Chapter 5

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The day ended as usual and the students poured out of the classes, ready to head out of the college. Jin was the same, the first day was fun indeed but it was tiring as well. He dragged himself to his lockers to dump his books and get his stuff before he left the premises. Jin lifelessly collected everything and shut the locker with a loud thud.

The students around stopped and looked at him with a frown and few with startled face but Jin gave a lazy shrug, "Oops" he muttered and started walking, ignoring the scowls from every direction. The soft noise of students chattering got louder with every step Jin took, making him sigh deeply, "Bunch of lousy kids" he mumbled to himself.

Suddenly, someone jumped on his back, making him almost slip and fall on his face, if not for his quick reflexes that saved his pretty face,again. Jin was shocked and mentally groaned, 'Fuck, I was again close to die out of heart attack' he thought. Jin snapped out of his shock and turned to look at the person with the deadliest glare.

His glare vanished in a second and Jin sighed, rolling his eyes, "Tae, you almost killed me now" he said in a slightly annoyed tone which Tae didn't realize. He gave his usual cute smile, "I'm sorry hyungie, but you were going out and I had to stop you. So I ran and jumped on you to lock you in your place" he said determined.

Hearing Tae confused Jin, "Why?" He asked and Tae jumped off Jin's back, stood in front of him, blocking his way, "We all go home together. This is our ritual and you need to follow it too" he said seriously and Jin tilted his head, "Since when did I become a part of your gang?" He asked curiously and Tae's excitement deflated like a balloon.

He stood like a hurt puppy, staring at Jin with sad eyes. Jin instantly felt bad but before he could talk, Hoseok joined them, "Yo people!" He said giving his signature sunshine smile which slowly left his face seeing Tae's face. "Taetae, what's wrong? Did someone hurt you? Tell hyung, I'll beat them up you" he said seriously, holding Tae's face in his hands.

Tae removed Hoseok's hands and rolled his eyes, "Aish, don't over react hyung. That's embarrassing" he whined slowly not wanting others to hear him. Hoseok stared at Tae with bewildered eyes, "Then what made your ugly face more ugly?" He asked confused, ignoring Jin who was silently watching them both and Tae sighed sadly like a spilt personality.

"Jin hyung doesn't accept us as his friends" Tae said sadly, looking down at his feet. Hoseok's eyes widened in shock and he gasped loudly, "He what?" He asked slowly, like he was trying to wrap his mind around the situation. Jin mentally rolled his eyes at the boys but someone voiced out their overacting much to Jin's happiness.

"Geez! You drama queens. If ever you act in the movies then trust me, I'll never let my perfect eyes go through that torture" a voice said from behind Jin, surprising him. They all turned to look at Yoongi, who stood there, watching the dumb and dumber duo with judging eyes. Jimin passed by Yoongi, shaking his head at Yoongi's comment.

"Don't listen to him. He's just jealous of your talent" he said with a smile and Hoseok smiled brightly, "Jiminie, you're the best. So if I act in a movie you'll watch the movie, right?" he asked happily and Jimin didn't want to burst his bubble by refusing. So he agreed to it and Hoseok cheered loudly, hugging the boy tightly, trying to kiss him.

Jimin struggled to get away from Hoseok, totally panicking of the kissy faces Hoseok made. He had a disgusted face and squirmed, tapping Hoseok's back to let him go. Jin smiled at Jimin, the boy was a literal sweetheart but he stared at Hoseok with funny face. He was startled when he heard shouts of despair coming from somewhere.

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