Chapter 49

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Namjoon smiled assuringly and held Jin's hand tight, "Then I won't let you down" he said confidently, making Jin give him a small smile in relief. Namjoon helped Jin get down the counter and made him sit on the dining table, taking a seat opposite to him. Jin silently followed what Namjoon asked him to do and sat down. They both sat quiet, looking at each other, one confused and the other confident.

"What now?" Jin asked confused and Namjoon just shrugged, "What do you want to do?" He asked. Jin frowned, "You said" he trailed off and Namjoon nodded with a smile, "I know what I said" he admitted and Jin was feeling lost. He didn't know what to expect. Namjoon pursed his lips, "You know, like you, I also had a past. Not so bad but enough to teach me a good lesson to remember. It made me strong" he started and Jin listened to him.

"When I was in school, the fourth grade, I was an ugly kid. Nobody would be my friend, I was that bad" he started and Jin scoffed, "No way, I'm sure you must be cute" he said defensively. Namjoon shook his head with an awkward smile, "Nope, I wasn't. My classmates always called me ugly and bullied me for that. I always blamed my parents for my looks. But they tried to tell me that I was beautiful in my own way." He said chuckling a little.

"I was innocent and seeing things like a normal person would. And, I was ugly" he said, sighing deeply. Jin was shocked and couldn't speak. Namjoon chucked, "One day, we had a parent's meeting and my dad came to my school that day. He being famous immediately got noted." He said. "Ever since that meeting, all my classmates started being nice to me. They included me in every game, in every project. I was over the clouds during that time." He said with a big smile.

"I was naive, I didn't realize that those kids were only talking to me because of my father and not me. Everything was perfect, my school life was finally getting better. I was enjoying it. My parents were happy seeing me happy." he said, reminiscing those memories. Jin leaned forward with a soft worried smile and held Namjoon's hands, "You don't have to tell me this" Jin suggested, but Namjoon shook his head, squeezing Jin's hand.

"2 years were the most happiest days of my school life. One day, when I was walking to my class after doing a chore, I heard my close group of friends talking. They were laughing at me, making fun of me. I was completely heartbroken. I couldn't believe that my close friends had never accepted me at all. I ran away from there, not having the heart to face them. I hid away from everyone and cried, I cried for a long time." he painfully said, still holding on to Jin's hand.

"Those words were imprinted in my brain. I couldn't forget them. Every time I saw them all, those words kept replaying in my head. I never spoke about it to anyone and was suffering alone. A 12 year old kid was hiding the pain of being judged and not accepted by others." Namjoon said, gulping thickly. Jin was getting worried even more, he knew it wasn't easy to recall the bad memories and Namjoon doing it was making him extremely worried.

Exhaling deeply, Namjoon unconsciously played with Jin's hands, "Hiding all those feelings, I grew cold. Cold as ice. Never forgave anyone, never spoke to anyone, until Hoseok met me in the 7th grade. He was a walking ball of positivity and I was trying my best to stay away from him. So many times I hurt him to make him stay away from me but he still stuch with me, being my friend." Namjoon fondly spoke, smiling at the memories.

Jin also smiled imagining Hoseok spreading his happiness. Namjoon chuckled, "Poor boy had to suffer a lot because of me but he never gave up. He always sat next to me in the class, babbled about his interests and about Yoongi hyung, whom he had met long back." he said and Jin smiled, "He must have nagged at to you meet Yoongi" he asked and Namjoon nodded with a smile, showing off his dimples. "Yes, he begged me to meet his Yoongi hyung" he accepted.

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