Chapter 51

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The day went by just the boys chilling at Jin's home. The mothers came checking for them every 2 hours and also to make sure that the boys didn't burn the house down. By the mid day, everyone were completely fine, Jimin and Hoseok's fever went down while Tae, Kook and Jin werent in pain anymore. Jin and Namjoon didn't get any time to speak after the morning incident, both of them too busy with the boys.

The food the mothers brought was enough to be stocked for days and the boys ate till their hearts content, without any second thoughts. The boys all just ate, played video games and watched movies for the whole day, not forgetting to clean and take showers like Mrs.Jeon ordered them to. They all were clothed in Jin's clothes. Jimin and Yoongi were drowning in them but Namjoon and Kook were fitting in perfectly. 

Jin couldn't stop cooing at Yoongi, who looked most adorable in big clothes. Namjoon laughed at Yoongi but the said boy only scowled in return, feeling embarrassed. Hoseok and Jimin teased Yoongi but got death threat in return, making them leave Yoongi alone. Kook was swooning over Tae, appreciating how cute his boyfriend looked in oversized clothes. Seeing them all, Jin was happy.

When it was dark, the boys left to their homes, promising Jin for a night over soon. Jin just smiled at them and send the boys off. Once he was alone, he sighed looking at the messed up place and did some cleaning, leaving the rest for the maid to clean it up. He went up to his room and saw his phone on his bed. Checking his phone, he found missed calls and messages from his parents, Jisoo and her father.

Cursing under his breath, he first called his mom, telling her everything. The woman started the session from scolding Jin for not picking up the calls to worrying over his injuries to being happy about the gesture the mothers showed. Jin rolled his eyes with a small smile, totally expecting his mom's reaction. He also spoke to his father, who mainly asked about his injuries and the reports.

Once he was done with his parents, he called his uncle, who was worried sick for him. Jin assured that he was fine and was taken good care off, which made the man sigh in relief. And at the end, he spoke to Jisoo who scolded him for his silly decision of jumping into the fight but also praising him for how cool he looked. Talking to everyone, Jin sighed tiredly and laid on his bed, thinking of the day.

He thought about what Namjoon told him and somewhere he wasn't convinced that cooking made him sleep peacefully. He did not try cooking again and simply laid on his bed, watching the roof of his room till the sun came out. When the morning came, Jin got up to get ready for the college and stepped down to eat something when his door bell rang. Jin thought it must be the maid, since he had asked his parents to arrange one.

When he opened the door, he saw Namjoon and his mom standing at the door. Jin welcomed them inside, confused but Mrs.Kim walked straight to the kitchen, getting the breakfast ready for the boys. Jin was stunned, he tried to tell that he had left overs from the previous day but the woman shushed him and made him eat healthy food. Jin ate everything deliciously, absolutely loving the food, making Mrs.Kim happy.

Namjoon on the other hand, sneakily kept glancing at Jin from the corner of his eyes, pretending to listen to his mom nag at him and Jin to be safe. Namjoon desparately wanted to know if Jin was fine and if he slept at night. But with his mom looking at them like a hawk, he couldn't talk a word so he made a note to talk about it later. Jin finished the food and quickly rushed upstairs to get his bag.

Namjoon finished his food and patiently waited for Jin to step down while his mom was stocking Jin's fridge with some dishes. Namjoon smiled seeing his mom but didn't comment on it. Jin stepped down and sweetly thanked the woman with a hug for everything she did. Mrs.Kim gave a loving smile to both of her sons and urged them to leave. Jin nodded and walked out first, telling that he will come back soon.

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