Chapter 27

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*Mention of derogatory words and foul language*

Jin was peacefully dozing off in the library while the boys were going crazy from all the search missions for Jin. Namjoon was more worried than others, knowing the back story and wondered if that stalker had gotten his hands on Jin. He didn't know if he should tell the boys, recalling the promise he made. And Jaebum, the new mystery guy looking for Jin was even more nerve-wrecking.

Calming down for a second, Namjoon thought about where did he see Jin the last time. It suddenly clicked him and he hoped Jin was still there and with that immediately took off towards the library, to find Jin. Jaebum had been sneakily following Namjoon, knowing he would know where Jin was. Seeing Namjoon run, Jaebum followed him too, matching the sound of his footsteps with Joon.

Namjoon barged in the library, getting glares and scowls from the seriously studying students. He ignored them and tried to look if Jin was there, at the end of the row, there was a sleeping figure on the table and Namjoon recognized him in an instant. A sigh of relief fell from his lips, holding his rapidly beating his heart, "He's safe" he muttered. Jaebum had also seen Jin and sighed.

Namjoon walked towards Jin, with all his determination to wake him up and scold him for scaring them all. But as he neared the table, Namjoon slowed down and watched Jin sleeping with a cute pout. Shaking his head, Namjoon stared at Jin in disbelief, "How can someone sleep so peacefully with music blaring in the earphones?" He questioned to himself, kind of amused.

Scratching his forehead a little, he thought of ways to wake Jin without startling him but then seeing how peaceful he looked, Namjoon decided to let him sleep some more. Pursing his lips in a straight line, Namjoon tried to get the music off, thinking Jin could sleep even better without any disturbance. He saw an ordinary pink phone clutched in Jin's hands and blinked twice.

"A pink ordinary phone?" He said to himself, extremely surprised. Shrugging it off, he proceeded to get the phone to switch off the music but as soon as he touched the phone, Jin woke up startled, slightly scaring Namjoon. Jin looked at Namjoon with fear and confusion in his eyes, which soon turned into annoyance while Namjoon froze in his place with wide eyes and pale face.

Huffing, Jin rubbed his eyes, "Did I fall asleep?" He sleepily mumbled and Namjoon snapped to reality, clearing his throat, he hummed questioningly and Jin looked at him with one eye, "What are you doing here?" He asked a little louder and Namjoon gulped, "We were all looking for you and I found you here, sleeping. Come on, it's time to go back home" he said in a bored tone and Jin hummed.

He looked at his phone and switched off the music, putting it in his bag, he sleepily stood up but stumbled a little and Namjoon luckily caught him. "Open your damn eyes, do you think you can walk with your eyes closed the whole time?" He hissed and Jin pushed Namjoon's hand, walking past him. Namjoon rolled his eyes and followed Jin, watching him carefully, ready to catch him if he stumbled again.

Jaebum, who was standing at a distance, watched the whole thing. He quickly hid behind the rack when Jin was close but didn't follow him, letting the boys go. He watched the boys walk out and took out his phone, calling someone, "Yes. He's safe. He was sleeping and currently he is with the boy" he said in a robotic voice, eyes still on the pair of boys. Soon he ended the call and put his phone back.

He looked around and blended in with the students, like he was there the whole time. Jin sleepily walked or more like dragged himself through the halls and accidentally bumped into Lisa, who dropped her bag from the impact. Jin's eyes snapped wide open in shock and apologized profusely while Namjoon rolled his eyes, shaking his head in disbelief, muttering, "I knew it" under his breath.

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