Chapter 11

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Jin rushed back home, he couldn't think straight and just wanted to hide in a corner, away from everyone. The boys all were confused seeing Jin so troubled and silent but when asked Jin refused to speak. That made the boys give up, thinking it was something personal and it indeed was. As soon as their street came in view, Jin ran for his life, not even bothered telling anyone.

Namjoon was more than confused and at the same time suspicious, why was Jin acting weird all of a sudden. Luckily, Yoongi's nagging changed everyone's attention from Jin towards him, "Wah~ I'm so tired walking. I order someone to carry me" he said tiredly and the boys quickly scrambled in the direction of their houses. Yoongi scoffed, "Freaking Dipshits" he muttered furiously.

Seeing himself all alone standing in between the street, Yoongi rolled his eyes and with lot of energy, he pushed himself towards the door of his house and knocked loudly, waiting for his mom to open the door. Mrs.Min opened the door but also gave an earful lecture to him, but did Yoongi care? Nah, he was Min Yoongi and he never gave a shit to anyone or anything.

Jin locked the door and threw his bag on the floor carelessly, taking off for his room. He quickly spotted his laptop and opened it, typing his password, he checked something on the internet. A deep frown decorated his face, "Am I seeing things?" He mumbled to himself, confused. He scrolled some more and groaned, pushing the laptop away, rubbing his face frustrated.

"Maybe I should just sleep and relax" he said, slapping his face a little. With that, he got up and went to freshen up. Doing his daily routine, Jin sighed tiredly, trying not to fall in exhaustion while on the other side, Namjoon was lost in thoughts. He was thinking about Jin and the reaction he gave. "Why did he suddenly stop?" He asked himself mindlessly, tapping his temple with his eyes stuck on TV.

Oblivious to Namjoon's mom, sitting next to him watching TV, he loudly said and Namjoon's mom hummed questioningly, "Who stopped?" She asked and Namjoon flinched badly, startling his mom as well. "Mom!" Namjoon whispered and Namjoon's mom stared at him terrified, "What in the earth is the matter with you?" She asked and Namjoon gulped, calming down.

He shook his head, "I'm fine. Just thinking about something" he mumbled, tiredly and Mrs.Kim stared at Namjoon worriedly, "Maybe you should go take a walk. You'll feel better getting some fresh air" she suggested and Namjoon nodded sighing, "Yeah. I think you're right" he said and Mrs.Kim smiled softly, "Seems like you have a lot on your mind" she said softly and Namjoon stood up.

Namjoon sighed and pursed his lips, "Just stressed about the classes, mom. And you know that college is almost over. I have to find a job soon" he lied and Mrs.Kim huffed, distastefully, "You know what? Just get out and release your stress" she grumbled, pissed off for some reason. Namjoon shrugged and left, totally unknown to the reason why his mom got angry for no reason.

While Namjoon was out, Mrs.Kim scowled glaring at the screen, "He thinks he can lie to me right in my face?" She mumbled, munching on her snacks, angrily. Namjoon strolled in the park lazily, lost in his thoughts. It was calm and peaceful which made Namjoon's brain run in higher speed. He stopped and looked around, trying to find a place to sit.

Finding a big tree, Namjoon decided to sit under that. Exhaling deeply, he looked at the sky and suddenly a thought striked him, "Wait! Why am I even thinking about him? Who is he to me? Why should I even care about what happens with him?" He asked himself in shock, after realizing really late. A noise of bushes moving came from next to him and Namjoon frowned.

He heard a very familiar voice, sounding panicked and almost close to crying, "Tan, where are you? Good boy, come out. Come to kookie". Namjoon gasped and dived in the bushes to catch the muscle bunny, "Jungkook" he called and the said boy looked at him with worried eyes, "Hyung! Help me" he said pleadingly and Namjoon could only stare at him, speechless.

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