Chapter 8

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Jin walked alone to home, lost in his thoughts, oblivious to a pair of eyes watching him from afar. Jin sighed heavily and took an opposite turn from the direction of his home. He pocketed his hands and walked to the neighborhood park to clear his mind and maybe talk to his parents. The park was almost empty, considering that it was almost sunset and the kids were forced to get back home.

Jin sat down under the tree and took out his phone, calling his parents. "Aigoo, my son!" Mr.Kim screamed in delight, making Jin almost throw his phone away. Jin panted in shock, "Appa! How many times do I remind you not to scream like that?" He scolded but Mr.Kim laughed, "I'm you father, you think I'm scared of you? Stop dreaming boy. I'm never gonna change" Mr.Kim announced proudly.

Jin sighed in disbelief, "Where is Eomma? I really wonder how does she handle you" he said shaking his head. Mr.Kim giggled, "Let me tell you a secret boy, your Eomma loves me. She accepts me as I am and doesn't complain like you do" he said and Jin rolled his eyes, "Sure, Mr.Kim, whatever makes you sleep at night" he said in mock happiness and heard some shuffling on the other side.

Jin knew it was his mom, fighting with Mr.Kim for the phone. A muffled groan was heard and Jin knew his father had lost the battle, "Hello, Jinnie?" A melodious voice said and Jin smiled in relief, "Eomma" he said softly and Mrs.Kim smiled, "How are you baby?" she asked and Jin nodded with the same smile etched on his lips, "I'm fine how are you? Is Appa troubling you a lot?" He asked jokingly.

Mr.Kim screamed, "Yah! What do you mean troubling her? I'm not a kid!" He blabbered and Jin raised an eyebrow questioningly, "Are you sure Appa? Right now you are acting like a kid" he pointed put and Mr.Kim burned in embarrassment, shutting up. Mrs.Kim giggled, "Only Jin can make you shut up" she said and Jin chuckled silently, listening to his parents bicker like a newly wedded couple.

"Honey, every night you also shut me up and you know I never complain" Jin heard his father tease his mother and choked on air, immediately ending the call. He scowled at the screen, "Those grownup's" he mumbled in disgust, shaking his head. He sighed and pocketed his phone, looking around the empty park. He wasn't troubled or lonely, he just liked silence and was enjoying it.

When the sun completely set, Jin decided to head back home, slowly walking with a tiny smile on his face. He reached the street and started walking faster, feeling tiredness wash over him. He glanced at Namjoon's door and rolled his eyes, "Immature genius" he mumbled and shook his head, walking towards his own home. He took out the key and unlocked the door but stopped before going in.

He frowned and crouched down, seeing a paper lying in front of his door, "What is this?" He said to himself, picking up the paper and looked around to see if someone was trying to prank him. Jin shrugged and walked in, holding the paper, locking the door behind. He took out his shoes, neatly placed it in its place and switched on the lights, keeping his bag on the table.

Sighing tiredly, he glanced at the paper in his hand, "Call this number when you reach home" the paper read with the number written below. Jin accelerated his brain, trying to think of who could this be. Jin was now contemplating if should call the number or just let it be. But who even would him to call and moreover, who would leave the message on his doorstep without meeting him?

Thinking deeply, Jin reached at the decision of ignoring the paper, not wanting to risk his safety, who knew if it was some danger sign? Jin crumbled the paper and threw it in the bin, going to freshen up. He took a shower and came out, feeling his stomach grumble. Quickly making himself a cup of ramen, Jin sat down, ready to devour the beauty in front of him, (food is beautiful, don't judge me).

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