Chapter 26

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At the table, the boys were quite stunned with all that they heard from the elder couple. Tae exhaled loudly, "I don't believe in love, no offense. Don't get me wrong but people these days don't value friendship how will they value someone's precious feelings? I would never risk getting hurt, the last time was bad enough" he said with a mocking smile, taking a dig at the maknae.

Jungkook's heart clenched painfully and Mrs.Kim had a worried frown. The elder boys all glared at Tae, getting what was he doing, "Kim Taehyung, don't start now" Jimin warned in all seriousness and Tae shrugged, getting up, "The food was delicious Mrs.Kim. It was a pleasure meeting you both. I hope next time you visit Jin hyung, meet us all too" he sweetly said.

The couple nodded with a sweet smile and Tae left from there, leaving others in an awkward atmosphere. Yoongi shook his head disappointed and Hoseok was looking at Tae's back while Jimin was checking on Kook who was faking his smile. Namjoon pursed his lips, not knowing how to clear the air between them. Jin scoffed loudly and glared at Kook, who was looking at his plate.

"Why didn't you speak up?" Jin asked harshly startling the hurting boy. Yoongi butted in seeing Kook stunned, "Hyung, we'll talk about this later" he said calmly but assertively and Namjoon nodded in agreement, "Let's not spoil the moment here. We can talk that later" he said and Jin took a deep breath, pissed at Tae's remark at the boy. Mr and Mrs.Kim glanced at each other surprised.

Mrs.Kim nervously giggled, "Honey, we have to go out, remember?" she asked loudly and Mr.Kim looked at her like a kid caught stealing and let out a confused hum, making the woman grit her teeth at his lack of understaning her signals. She narrowed her eyes angrily and pointed towards the door with her eyes and Mr.Kim stood up in a flash, finally understanding.

"Oh yes, right, we have to go. Sorry boys, please excuse us" he said with a strained smile and quickly walked out without Mrs.Kim who mentally cursed at her husband. Smiling sweetly, she stood up, "It was nice meeting you all boys, you all should keep visiting." she sweetly said and the boys all bowed at her, watching her leave the room. As soon as she was out, Jin scowled, more viciously.

"Seriously Jungkook, how long are you going to let him do this to you huh? We know its your fault but you had your fucking reasons and if you don't speak up he'll never know" he said stressing at his point and Kook looked down at his lap. He knew Jin was right, but he didn't know how to put in words what he felt. Sighing a little, he stood, "I have nothing to explain. I'll leave now." He blankly said and walked out.

Jin was extremely surprised at the boy's comment. Namjoon clicked his tongue, "At this rate, nothing between them will be sorted" he said disappointed and the boys couldn't agree more. "We have to do something. I want all of my dongsengs together" Hoseok said and Jimin rolled his eyes, "My dongsengs are freaking idiots" he mumbled under his breath, angry at both of them.

Jin shook his head, "If they don't want to solve their feelings out, let them not but we have to save our friendship. Remember, bros before hoes" he said and Namjoon hissed angrily, "Don't use such foul words" he scolded but Jin rolled his eyes sassily, stemmed his hands over his hips and looked in Namjoon's eyes confidently, "Who are you, my mom? You need to grow up nerd" he clapped back.

Namjoon was seething with anger and Yoongi knew better to stop them so he yelled, "Yah yah, cut it out. We already have a pair of problems over our heads. Don't add more to it" he ordered and Jimin cackled, "You are like the grandpa of this group" he commented and laughed along with Hoseok. Jin also joined them, laughing at Jimin's remark while Namjoon was busy rolling his eyes at the boys.

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