Chapter 13

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Jungkook begged Yugyeom to help him out but Yugyeom didn't really what he could do to help his friend. He had the dog, the exact breed of Yeontan but unfortunately, he was a pup and Yeontan was a dog. Hearing Jungkook plead so desperately, Bambam decided to help the poor boy, oblivious to the whole story of why was Jungkook even looking for a dog in the first place.

Bambam sighed and stood in front of Jungkook with a worried face, "I don't know why is Yugyeom being a bitch and not helping you but you don't have to worry. I'll figure something out. You are late to college, go back while I come up with something" he assured the boy, who blinked innocently, taking in Bambam's words. Nodding hesitantly, Jungkook left for college with a sad face.

Yugyeom rolled his eyes, "Bambam, you're doing wrong. You don't know anything and you're helping him. I did what I could, there's nothing more to do" he explained but Bambam scoffed, "That's not how a friendship works. You should be ready to kill anyone for him, be ready to hide the body if he kills, be ready to act dead if needed" he said with a duh look, weirding Yugyeom out with his idea of friendship.

"That's....... Dangerous. Real friends stop them from doing wrong and not go hide the body. We boh could end up in jail, what is the matter with you?" Yugyeom exclaimed distressed with his boyfriend's idea. But Bambam shushed him, "Hush, now watch me be a real friend to your friend" he said and left Yugyeom totally terrified at the thought of leaving Bambam unsupervised.

"Well, let's just hope poor boy doesn't get his heart broken" Yugyeom mumbled with a heavy sigh, hoping the best for Tae and Jungkook. On the other hand, Tae didn't come to college and Jungkook was worried, wondering if Bambam would really help him. Crossing his fingers, he hoped something miraculous happens and the situation clears up before he is wrapped in coffin.

The whole day, Jungkook didn't speak to anyone but he definitely succeeded in annoying people around him with his constant pen clicking, leg bouncing under the table, his fingers drumming on the desk making loud noise. It was a good thing that he was known as a 'Bad boy' of the college or else by this time, he sure would've got beaten up by people, especially the nerds who were the most annoyed.

During the lunch as well, Jungkook didn't talk much and apart from Namjoon, nobody could believe it. The brat of the college was silent as if the sun rose from a whole new direction. Silent Jungkook was creeping everyone at the table, they tried to ask him but Jungkook ignored them, which was again new. The old Jungkook would glare at them and rudely ask them to shut up.

But the boy simply ignored them. Hoseok was almost close to calling the ambulance and get Jungkook checked but Namjoon stopped him, "Let him be guys. He has a lot on his mind right now" he carelessly blurted out and instantly regretted. Jin finally realised what was wrong with Jungkook and silently sympathized him, totally understanding what he was going through.

Curious and questioning eyes stared at Namjoon intently, "What do you mean? Did something happen that is hidden from us?" Jimin asked suspiciously and Jin also joined them, looking at Namjoon with suspicious eyes, wondering if Namjoon really knew about what Jungkook did. The said boy, sighed heavily, ignoring Namjoon, thinking of some solution, rather than depending on Bambam.

Namjoon let out a nervous squeaky laugh, "Haha, I mean psychologically people are silent when they are thinking about something or have a lot on their mind. I just stated the science law" he quickly defended himself with the help of his knowledge and Yoongi groaned, "Don't start with that. I'm tired enough with what I learn in college" he said with a pained face, with overflowing knowledge.

Namjoon mentally sighed in relief when Yoongi didn't question him, oblivious to Jin's suspicious gaze on him. Yoongi was the smartest out of the other boys and if he didn't catch anything out the blue, then there was a high chance that the boys also had nothing to be suspicious about. Luckily, that was right, but slowly forming Yoongi's frown made Namjoon sweat, wondering if Yoongi caught his lie.

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