Chapter 38

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It was the second day of the relationship of the maknaes. Jin and Namjoon, ever since the library instance, were maintaining distance mutually, which was not gonna work but they were still trying. Jimin, Hoseok and Yoongi were their normal self, as usual. They were all walking back to home after the long day at the university, a little tired but hell lota excited for the weekend.

Tae and Kook were walking hand in hand, stuck close to each other. Jin was with Hoseok, laughing and clapping his hands while Hoseok was almost falling on Jin, making him stumble but the boys were still enjoying. Tae was speaking to Kook, or more like deciding a place for their first date. Jimin, Yoongi and Namjoon were randomly talking about nothing, not really having any topic.

Jin looked at the boys with red face and teary eyes, "Guys" he started, controlling his laughter and wiped his eyes, clearing his throat, "I won't be at home tomorrow. I have plans so, don't barge into my place looking for free food, understand?" He sternly said, looking at the maknae line. Jungkook frowned, "Where you going?" He asked and Jin rolled his eyes, sassily staring at him, "Why do I have to tell you?" He said.

Kook pouted and Jin scoffed, "Don't make that face, you didn't even tell me that you were planning a surprise for Tae and got to know from the others" he rapped, stomping his feet angrily. Kook face palmed, along with the other boys. Tae looked questioningly at Kook, "Surprise? What surprise? When?" He asked and Jin realised that just  he revealed a secret. Sweating bullets, Jin glanced at Kook who was glaring at Jin with fury in his eyes.

Nervously giggling, Jin gulped thickly, feeling the murderous glare of Kook and disappointment from the boys on him. "What I meant it, he never tells me anything and I only get to know about it from the others" Jin calmly explained, his ears turning red with each second. Tae was luckily dumb enough and nodded with O face, making Jin silently heave a relieved sigh, along with others.

Jimin poked Jin's ears, "They are red" he said and Jin immediately covered his ears, moving away from him. Hoseok looked amused, "Whoa, you're whole face is red hyung" he screeched and Yoongi smirked, "Hyung can't handle the attention" he muttered and Jin licked his lips, turning even more red. Namjoon was mentally smiling at Jin but kept a poker face, "Yet he still gets attention" he mumbled, referring to the Jin's beauty.

Jin squinted his eyes, glaring at Namjoon, "What did you say?" He asked slowly, misunderstanding Namjoon's words. Jimin glanced between Namjoon and Jin, "Uh oh, I smell fight coming up now" he said and Hoseok nodded. Yoongi rolled his eyes, "I'm too old for this shit" he said crossing his arms with closed eyes. Namjoon got flustered when Jin questioned him but didn't show it, he confidently rolled his eyes.

"I said, you always try to get attention. What's the point if you can't handle it" Namjoon said scoffing a little. Jin glared dangerously at Namjoon for a good whole minute before exhaling, "I have no time to fight with mindless gaints" Jin said walking away. Tae cackled first but quickly shut up. Kook looked at Namjoon with tired eyes, "Hyung, let's not start fighting now." he said and Jin clapped in satisfaction while Namjoon gave Kook a betrayed look.

Jungkook rolled his eyes, "I'm too old for this shit guys" he said, relating with Yoongi's feeling. Jimin giggled cutely, "You're 'The baby', boy. An old tired baby" he said and Tae frowned in distaste, "Yah! Only I can call him baby. Why are you calling him that?" He angrily asked and Kook smiled like he was handed his favorite video game. Jimin gave a pitiful look, "I don't know if I should feel sorry for Kook or for you" he said sighing in pity.

Namjoon chuckled at Jimin's comment. Tae was confused and looked at Kook, who was just as confused. Jin laughed at the pair, followed by Hoseok, who was clueless himself but managed to pretend like he knew, to save himself. Yoongi had a lazy smile, but he was eyeing Hoseok with a knowing look. The boys went back, still arguing and dissing each other. Jin walked in his home and found his parents, who looked like some middle class people and not the owners of the big company.

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