𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙀𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩

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tw: ooc characters 😕😧

i awoke to the sound of cheering from down below the tent. clutching my bandages so they don't fall off, i stood up and ripped open the flap of the tent to see people signing up for the tournament. i leaned back into the tent, grabbing belt. i stood back up outside the tent, my hands were shaky as i tried clipping on my belt.

"you okay?" a voice erupted from infront of me, as the pattering of feet clambered towards me.

i looked up to be met with aether, he wore a warm smile as he took my belt and clipped it on loosely for me. "thank you, aether." i smiled as i admired the trinkets on my belt.

"shoot, my swords still out at that pond. can you help me-" i was rudely interrupted. "ill go fetch it after i get you to beidou. don't worry." aether smiled as he helped me walk down the mountain. i trudged over towards beidou, who was setting up a few stools. she turned around and glided towards me, taking me from aether. "i have a seat for you, thank you for bringing her over here." beidou thanked aether as he nodded and went off to find my sword. she sat me down on a stool that faced the ring. i rested my hands on my laps, waiting for people to stop signing up for the tournament. beidou sat by me the entire time, making idle talk.

she was actually very nice, we even had the same interests in drinks.

eventually, the show began and it was aether against some buff looking fighter from liyue. aether had been boosted uo to the semi finals, because of his fighting experience. aether won, no sweat. i clapped for him as he walked towards beidou and i.

"well done, aether!" beidou patted him on the back and aether flashed her a toothy grin. i smiled as i nodded along to what beidou said. "are you alright?" aether questioned me as he sat on the floor beside my chair, wiping sweat off of his forehead. "yeah, i'm good. have you seen kazuha, actually?" i glanced around, taking note that he wasn't around. aether just shrugged and stood up, joining beidou in her conversation with a sailor. i looked around, wondering where kazuha could've been. suddenly, there was a yell coming from the rewards table. i weakly stood up and limped my way over.

"what happened?" i asked as i placed a hand on aethers' shoulder. beidou pointed towards an empty box. "the vision is gone." she said through gritted teeth. my eyes shot open in horror as i looked around. i felt around for my sword, but i remembered that i had left it at the pond i was attacked at. looking around, i snatched aethers' sword from his holster and dragged it behind me as i limped around.

"where the fuck is kazuha-" i said to myself.

"i'm here." a voice came from behind me. i quickly turned to see kazuha, a whirl of wind surrounding him. scarlet leaves flew all around him. "that vision is gone you know. we have to get it back!" i yelled as i pointed the sword at him. kazuha lowered it with his pointer finger and sighed.

"you're too weak to help. now give aether his sword back." just as kazuha commanded me to give the sword back, aether ran up to us. "i'm fine. ill get that vision on my own then." i began stomping off, but i quickly side-stepped towards the boulders at the shore, leaning my hand against it as i clutched my wound.

"see, you cant. if you're going to go find it, atleast let us go with you y/n." aether sighed as he took his sword back. i groaned in defeat and nodded as i walked slowly with them. kazuha studied the wind patterns to find that someone had recently glided from the top of the mountain on the island towards another island. we followed kazuha as he silently studied the wind courses. eventually, we ended up at the same waterfall and pond that i had been attacked at. immediately, i ran for the water, falling into it and feeling around for my sword.

after digging around, i found my sword. it was water damaged and sandy, but that could be mended,

i hoped.

i began standing up, but not before being yanked up to my feet by aether. there was a treasure hoarder standing infront of kazuha. i decided to run in and before the reassure hoarder could administer an attack on kazuha, i leapt in and blocked his attack. aether yelled at me as i kept my sword firmly against the treasure hoarders blade. kazuha managed to pull the guy off of me with aethers' help. kazuha grabbed my forearm and dragged me over to a boulder.

"what the fuck are you playing at?!" he yelled at me as i sat down against the boulder.

"i saved your fucking life, kaedehara kazuha."

"you're fucking injured! are you stupid?! are you?!" kazuha yelled as he stood up, throwing my sword down on the ground beside me.

"don't be such a fucking idiot!" he yelled as he ran back into the battle.

i glanced over the boulder to see the treasure hoarder gaining large advantages over fighting the pair. i mentally face palmed as i tried to think of a solution.

if there was someone that could get there fast.

my eyes shut as i focused on my mind.

xiao. please. hear me.

almost immediately, i felt my hand being lifted as i stood up. i opened my eyes to see the adeptus standing infront of me. his mask separated our faces. i gasped as he picked me up bridal style (😏) and teleported further away from the scene. i gasped as i clutched xiao's shoulder. "go save them!" i pointed towards kazuha and aether. xiao sighed in annoyance and teleported back over to them. i leaned against another boulder as i watched xiao easily defeat the treasure hoarder. he began walking back over to me, helping me stand.

he wrapped my arm over his shoulder and walked me back over. kazuha glared over in jealously as xiao helped me walk over. he was holding the vision.

"i think it'd be best for you to return to liyue with me." xiao announced, looking away from me. i furrowed my eyebrows as i looked around at aether and kazuha. aether was nodding in agreement and kazuha was looking away. "i think it'd be best too.." i sighed as i looked between the two boys infront of me. "goodluck to the both of you, i guess." i smiled as xiao suddenly picked me up bridal style (😏) and began walking towards the shore.

bracing for his leaps, i wrapped my arms around his neck and brought my head close to his chest. i could feel his breath hitch from within his chest (😏).

and with that, he leapt into the air. i stopped myself from screaming as we left guyun stone forest and headed for the wangshu inn.


kazuha watched in utter disbelief as xiao had practically stolen y/n from him and taken them off back to liyue. he sighed as he took the vision from aether and marched off back towards the tournament.

"you're still going to inazuma, correct?" kazuha asked the traveller, to which he nodded his head 'yes'. kazuha scrunched up tucked his bottom lip over this top lip and nodded his head slowly. "it'll take a bit for beidou to prepare the ship for the journey, but it'll be worth the wait. inazuma is beautiful. but it's strict." kazuha sighed as he spoke of the land of his birth. he didn't think of it much for obvious reasons.

kazuha couldn't help but think about what xiao could possibly say or do to you when he was alone with you. the thought of him doing anything weird made him go insane.

okay i'm so sorry i'll edit this and stuff in the morning because it's late rn 💪


i'm finally getting better too💪 this blood poisoning is almost gone yall 😩 we love to hear about it, also, i BADLY WANNA WRITE A 4NEMO X READER MODERN AU THING SO BAD BUT IDK IF ANYONE WOULD READ IT😕 besides i wanna write this a good bit before i write anything else

i'm editing this heavily tmrw bare with me

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