Chapter Four: Suspicions

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Courtney's POV
My list of aspirations does not include mastering or even taking up the role of damsel in distress. No way! I fend myself and even when I'm knocked down, I get up and move on. The impression of damsel in distress is just sad. I don't want to ever be rescued by a man. If that man is Chris, maybe... just maybe I'll be a damsel for him.

It's come to my attention that he likes to play hero. He likes to be useful. That is why he is developing a liking for Marianna. She can smile her way to men serving all her needs. I don't attract such help. Anyone who takes one look at me will realize I am my own man. In the name of attention, I played damsels in distress. After Maria and I succeeded in cat burglary, I had to pawn off everything and some guy decided to rip me off. My reaction can be guessed. It wasn't pretty. I sent Maria to get Chris. When blondie showed up he went crazy. He made them pay double but Frank wasn't so pleased with me robbing his guests.

"Hands!" I yelled in my Nathan's ear when I spotted his hand hovering over Marianna's thigh. "We should swap seats Maria."


"Because I said so! Move it!" I ordered.

Marianna is naive. She hasn't seen the world. She doesn't know how men use and dump. Sh thinks every man is like Don Giovanni. I have to protect her from this predator.

"Bye Nate."

I Even after she moved he adjusted the rearview mirror to keep drooling over her. He better not cause an accident. I'll personally be the grim reaper and escort him to his six feet deep destination.

"Eyes on the road buddy. I'm too young to die."

"The world would be a better place." He murmured to himself.

"You think?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

Chris suddenly pulled up in front of us. "We are being followed!" Frank pointed at the black SUV behind us. "We are ditching them. Follow us."

"We're being followed!" Marianna panicked from the back seat. "Dio! What if it's padre?"

"Padre?" Nate repeated the word.

"Her father! Or my father! Drive Nate! Drive!" I shouted.

By now he obviously knows how I made an exit from mom's car. He's worked up and determined to track me down. Why do I feel it will be a hoarding school in the middle of nowhere once he finds me?

I held onto the seat watching the trees moving past us fast! The road is bumpy! I don't want to go home. I don't want to be separated from my best friend!

"Stop!" I yelled to keep Nate from ramming into Christopher's car. I got Marianna making sure to take her hand. "What if it's your father?"

"Or Belucci!" She whispered in a frightened tone.

"Let's get our stuff!" I out on a back pack and gave her another.

"Run." I heard Christopher's voice.

Everyone us already ahead of us. Curse these men for being able to move fast. Nate us the only one slowing down because he's obviously checking on his Italiano fetish. "Keep up!" He urged us.

I love a good adventure but something about this isn't fun. Maybe it's how it will end when my father catches up or when Belucci does.

"She can't run these shoes!" I pointed at Marianna's feet.

Nate grabbed her and threw her over his shoulder. Yes, Marianna can get someone to do the running for her in a pursuit! I followed them to one of the old run down buildings close by. It's only when we hid ourselves that we tried to catch our breaths.

The St Patrick Series Book #1: The St Patrick BrideWhere stories live. Discover now