Chapter Forty Four: First Grandchild

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Courtney's POV
Penny Carmichael loves charity events.

For the short time I have known her, which I must add isn't so long, she likes to attend charity events. Maybe she's genuinely charitable or she's keeping up the typical appearances of the rich. Who knows? If she was married to Tommy, she must be a little whacky in the head like her ex.


"Invitation? Since when do I need an invitation to contribute to charity?" I asked the man barricading the entrance of the building. "Isn't a cheque book enough?"

"Invitation." He maintained the same expression.

"I don't have one. Maybe it fell and I could not even see it because as you can see..." I pointed to my belly. "I am carrying something heavy and I can't even see my bloody toes without tipping over! Move!" I growled at him.


"Mrs. Mrs St Patrick!"

His eyes widened in realization. "I'm sorry Mrs St Patrick. I apologize."

Lucille said some names open doors. This one has literally opened the door for me. I walked through with a big smile on my face. It's a black tie event. I'm wearing a short summer dress with butterflies. Yuck! I can't wait to burn all these maternity clothes! The women in evening gowns are throwing weird looks my way. Is it how short my dress is because of how the melon inside me is lifting it at the front. I was about to show all of them my middle finger but I don't want to cast a bad light on the St Patrick name. I confidently looked for Penny until I spotted the half Asian beauty making small talk with some older women.

"Penny, a word. Sorry to interrupt." I wrapped my fingers around her wrist pulling her aside.

"Goodness! You've gotten heavy!"

"And you're back to your skinny self. Any tips for when the melon drops?"

"The what?"

"How will I lose the weight?"

"I lost a life." She made a tragic face.

"Cut the crap I know. I know you were faking it."

She looked around. "Then there's no need for pretences."

"Tell me about that."

"I signed an NDA. I can't talk about it. If I admit to anything Tommy will sue me."

"How did you fall for that prick?"

"I didn't . He's not the kind of man to love. Tommy is ambitious. All he cares about is getting up the ladder. He will do anything it takes to be on top."

"Right now as we speak he's a father."

"No! No way!" She waved her hands in the air. "He's shooting blanks. He can't get a woman pregnant. That is a lie!"

That's what I needed to hear. Confirmation.

"Can you come forward and tell his parents that?"

"Court, I signed an NDA. You can't even repeat what I have told you."

"But he's lying to everyone that he has a daughter."

"Did he name her Aubrey?" She asked.

"Yes. How did you know?"

"I know because I told him that when I get a daughter, I'll name her Aubrey. We were picking baby names and staying up all night trying to make a baby. All that time he was shooting blanks and then he ended it with me. Now he has stolen my baby name!"

The St Patrick Series Book #1: The St Patrick BrideWhere stories live. Discover now