Chapter Thirty Two: Heavy

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Lucille's POV
"Eight hours in labour! Eight hours Coop and you sent him back! I can't believe you allowed this to happen when we clearly set a plan in motion to keep him behind a desk!"

"For Pete's sake woman! I did not send Chris back! It was over my head!" He raised his voice at me. "I've my head Lucille!"

"What is the point of being a Major General if you can't prevent my baby from being sent back?" I poked his chest. "What I the point of all that power?"

He looks exhausted. He came home in the early morning hours. I wasn't asleep as much as I pretended not to hear him when he told me Chris is gone. I'm passive aggressive. I can't help it.

"I have superiors too! I answer to people above my pay grade! And Chris is not a baby! He's a grown man!" He laced up his shoes. I watched while boiling in fury. If I had a frying pan I would take a swing at him that would ve so hard he would forget his own name!

Court called me in the early morning to ask me if I have spoken to Chris. She sounded sad. Wherever she is, she didn't sleep either. We have that one thing in common. We love Chris.

"The whole point of a desk job was to keep him safe! Have you forgotten that we almost lost him twice?"

"Ah-ah! No. Once. It was only once that his injuries were army related. The other time, he pissed off the Mafia. His own doing." He countered. "I did my best Lucille!"

"It's not good enough!"

"What do you want me to do?" He sounds exasperated. "Tell me. Do you want me to get him back? No problem. I'll go over there and take my son but we will both be court marshalled and imprisoned. Need I mention a dishonorable discharge? Do you want that? Why should he serve for eight years and end up with a dishonorable discharge just because he couldn't deploy for a year or two? Why? Is there any sense in that?"

I hate when he argues logically. I can't be logical because of what is at stake. Christopher's life and of course the St Patrick Group. When I invest in something, I love it deeply and I protect it. The St Patrick Group has fared well so far. Tommy's greed will drive it to the ground!

"What about the company?"

"Tommy is available."

I gawked at the Major. "Even after he steals from you?"

"He paid me back. He apologized. I don't see why I shouldn't give him a chance to redeem himself. He's available, Christopher is not."

He does not know I know about the clauses in the inheritance.

If this man was a child... I would smack some sense into him.

Seeing no need to argue any further I grabbed my purse and left.

I got into my car and drove all the way to Chris and Court's house. I realized I'm wearing pajamas when she opened and gave me a strange look. "Don't ask." She stepped aside for me to enter. 

I went to her kitchen to prepare coffee. She sat on a stool staring at me. She looks hopeless. We both are. She's probably missing him already. "They don't usually say goodbye."

I passed her a mug. I sat down next to her. The house is starting to feel like a home. The pie es we picked out have become fine additions to the beach house.

"He didn't even know." She spoke in a distraught tone.

Poor girl.

"In some cases it's that abrupt. Please tell me you two were in a good place before he left. Tell me that please."

That's really important. I always made sure that Coop and I am resolved our differences before he left. You never know when they will come back or if they will come back at all.

The St Patrick Series Book #1: The St Patrick BrideWhere stories live. Discover now