Chapter Eighteen: Blackmail Shelf

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Courtney's POV
"We shouldn't be in here!"

I kept searching through the draws hoping to find something... anything that will give me an edge over Liam before tonight. He's making our engagement public tonight.

"Will you help me or impose your conscience on me?" I questioned Nora. She balled her little fists looking red. She looks like she will blow up.

"I'm married! I have two babies! I can't go to jail for breaking and entering!"

"Then get out." I pointed to the door.

"Gladly!" She marched to the door only to come back. "What are we looking for?"

"Any dirt on Liam."

She helped me search every compartment in the office. It took a while since we had to return everything exactly as we found it but once we were done, I came to a sad realization. He's either a saint or he is that good at hiding things.

"This is bad."

"What does he have on you?"

"This." I reached into my pocket to show her the diamond ring. "I stole this. He has footage."

Nora took it from my hand comparing it to hers. It's small compared to what Frank has given her. "And he gave it to you?"

"He proposed to me with it." I took it back. "And he threatened to have me thrown in jail if I said no. I said yes. He's announcing our engagement tonight. If I let this happen, the next he will do is announce a wedding and a baby to follow! No offense to you and anyone with similar goals to yours but it's not what I want!"

"It's not that bad. Marriage and motherhood are not that bad. What is this Liam guy like?"

"The true face of evil."

We leaned on his desk looking at the door.

"There's one other way we can find dirt on him." Nora's eyes lit up. "Frank! If someone can find dirt on people, it's Frank!"

"Why are you telling me this now?"

"Because I just remembered!" She got on her feet fast!

I took her hand as we hurried out of Liam's office. Finding Frank wasn't all that hard because he's at the Harrington Hotel sitting behind a big desk in a corner office. He looks sharp in his three piece suit. Frank is a mystery I would love to figure out. He's a man with a curious almost devious gaze but somehow manages to behave like a gentleman. I'm certain that his thoughts aren't all that innocent.

"And what do I owe this lovely surprise?" He embraced Nora. He lifted her off her fit to spin her around to an eventual stop. He kissed her. He took his time. I looked away choosing to stand by the window looking at the reason why Francis Michael Harrington is so wealthy. This is not the first Harrington Hotel I have been to more is it the biggest. I think he must like this one.

"Court!" Nora called me over. "Tell him!"

"Tell me what?" Frank leaned on the edge of his table looking my way.

"I need a huge favor."

"She's engaged!" Nora blurted out.

"Oh wow! Lovely! This is exciting news. But why hasn't Chris said anything?"

"Chris?" I frowned at him.

"She's not engaged to Chris." Nora whispered into his ear. Her whisper is loud. It was Frank's turn to frown.

"Pardon me for being presumptuous. Who are you engaged to?"

"Liam Lambert."

"That bloody troll?" He folded his fist. This is good! He doesn't like Liam. "Why Liam? If you wanted to get married so badly I would have linked you up with a better man!"

The St Patrick Series Book #1: The St Patrick BrideWhere stories live. Discover now