Chapter Fifty Nine: Old Money

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Lucille's POV
"For the greater good..." I repeated for the umpteenth time.

It still doesn't sink well.

I attended a charity gala a few days ago where the neighborhood gossip asked me about the child custody scandal between Chris and his mistress. A reporter or two have had the guts to ask me too.

Coop has decided to distance himself from the mess for the time being. He has a lot going on at work. He is however waiting to see how it will play out. I know he doesn't want to seem like he's picking between Court and Allegra. As much as this thing is about Aubrey, it still boils down to a battle between two women.

I want to reach out to both of them. I was never on team Allegra but now, I pity her. I pity her because Chris will rip her apart. There will be nothing left.

I took several mints before I left my car. I entered the hotel where she's staying. I went up to her room. If I can't get through to her, I'll step aside and wait to see what happens. Mr Finlay is hopeful. He has assembled a team of the best lawyers money can buy to go after Allegra. I thought the mediation would work but after several sessions of Chris not showing up, things are set on stone.

I knocked the door once.

"Lucille. What a... surprise." Mrs Bloom spoke with a cold uninviting tone. "What can I do for you?"

"May I come in?"

"I don't think it's a good idea."

"My husband is paying for this. Let me in or I'll make sure today is your last day here."

She moved out the way.

"Mom, who is it?" Allegra called.

I can hear Aubrey crying. When she saw me she frowned at me. "Mrs St Patrick. What are you doing here?"

I took a seat on an armchair. "Nice place. May I hold her?"

"She's irritable. I don't think she's feeling well."

I got up to take a look at my grand daughter. The poor thing is red from crying. I felt her forehead. She's a little warm. "Have you taken her to a doctor?"

"Doctors cost money I don't have." She answered flatly.

"This baby's health is more important than the indifferences we share. Have you told Chris?"

"I haven't seen Chris in a while."

"You have his number, don't you?"

"He isn't exactly warm and inviting."

"And why not tell the Major General since you're such besties!" I mocked her. "Give her to me."

She refused to let go. I gave her a hard look. She released Aubrey. I sat down with her. "What do you want Lucille?"

"I'm here to talk you out of this lawsuit."

"Of course that is what you want, for Chris to win." Her mother spoke up.

"It's not about Chris winning. In fact, I don't mind if Chris wins. He gets Aubrey and you two get nothing. I'm concerned about you losing your daughter. There's a way we can all come out of this winners, including baby Aubrey." I looked at both of them. "This issue can be settled amongst ourselves without making a scandal out of it."

"Is that what is motivating you to be a hero? You don't want a scandal." Her mother spoke with contempt in her eyes.

"A little scandal doesn't scare me. I grew up dirt poor and I know how to walk with my head held high even with a scandal as a yoke around my neck. I don't care about the scandal. For the purpose of reaching an amicable solution,please be silent. I'm talking to your daughter." Aubrey has calmed down. She is playing with my hair. I touched the golden locks with a smile ony face. Christopher's daughter is quite beautiful. "I'll make this simple enough. If you persist on this course to fight Chris for custody and child support, you'll lose. Honey, we are not the kind of people you pick a fight with and you win. The St Patricks are among the oldest and most powerful families in this country. We own the legal system. In the end, no matter what, we win. Do you know what that looks like? Aubrey in my arms like this and your arms empty. You'll watch from the window. Is that what you want Allegra?"

The St Patrick Series Book #1: The St Patrick BrideWhere stories live. Discover now