Chapter Twenty Six: Our House

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Court's POV
I can't believe this but I have turned into one of those people with a social calendar!

I had a plan this morning. It was a good plan!

To sleep all day.

Then the phone rang and it was a woman from a restaurant asking me if my reservation for brunch is still on. That is when it dawned on me that I made a reservation for 11 am this morning. It was an insane rush to get ready so that I make it to the Tea Pot and Mug. It's a weird name but I like how nothing matches in that place. Not the seats,  not the cutlery, not the mugs and definitely not the tea pots.

I stopped at the entrance to catch my breath. I'm the most unfit being alive! Two flights of stairs have me breathing like I'm going to die. I fanned myself to cool down. When a waiter passed by with a silver tray I snatched it to use it as a mirror. I fixed my hair and my face. When he glanced down we both realized one thing. I left the house with fluffy house slippers.

"Damn it!" I gave the tray back to the amused waiter. I am wearing a pretty little blue dress with slippers. I took a second before I walked in deciding to own this.

I got a few glances from the customers but Christopher's mom took the trophy when she couldn't contain her laughter. It wasn't even lady like as expected from a woman who look like her. It was down right mean. I sat down facing her and waited till she calmed herself down.

She dabbed the sides of her eyes dry. "I was about to think what a pretty dress until I saw your feet. Good morning."

"Good morning." I smiled slightly.

Chris said I should try to get on her good side. I'm not a people pleaser. Nope. Screw you if you don't like me. Well, that's not entirely true in this case. I want her to like me. Lucille seems like the kind of woman to fight fiercely in your corner or to become a formidable enemy. I don't want to make enemies with Christopher's mother. Boys and their mothers... I would rather face off with the Major.

"Are you starting a new fashion trend?"

The red dress I wore at the Major's award ceremony was a showstopper. Fashion magazines are still talking about it.

"That was the idea but it's not working out. Seriously though, I forgot I had them on."

"One time, after I had Chris, I left home wearing muddy gumboots. Chris was about five months old. Tommy was a year and half give or take. Tommy wasn't feeling well. He ate some poisonous berries and I had to rush him to hospital. I was all alone because the Major had travelled. It was pouring cats and dogs! I didn't own an umbrella, strange thing. I put Tommy in a rain coat and put him my back. I wrapped Chris in a thick blanket and a rain coat and I ran to the nearest hospital."

"I hope everything turned out okay."

"It did. But I realized I had muddy gumboots an hour later when the sun came out. They were yellow so you can imagine how everyone noticed. When I saw you I remembered that day and that is why I laughed so hard. No offense."

"None taken." I smiled a little more.

"Motherhood is scary and beautiful. I hope you'll get to experience that some day." Her eyes dropped to my midsection. It was fast. "Are you expectant?"

"Why would you say that?"

"Chris bought a house. He said he can't raise a baby in a loft. Is there a baby?"

"Not that I know of." I frowned at her. "Rest assured I'm not pregnant."

The waiter brought two mugs of coffee. I like mine black, string without sugar. This one has milk and a lot of cream. "I took the liberty to order. It wouldn't be such a bad thing. Children are in your cards, right?"

The St Patrick Series Book #1: The St Patrick BrideWhere stories live. Discover now