Chapter Nineteen: In Between Places

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Court's POV
It feels strange to hold a child in my arms. I don't remember the last time I held a baby. She is fascinated by my eyes. She won't look away.

"Is it in your plans?" Nora joined me on the bench holding the boy.

"A wee bairn?"

"A wee what?"

"A baby. Bairn means baby. No it's not. I don't want children."

Nora looked at me like I had kicked a puppy. "You are an unusual woman."

"And what is your definition of a woman?"

"You have the ability to bring life into this world! It's a beautiful thing! Why not take the chance? Is that how Chris feels? I'm certain he would be want children!"

Chris... A few days ago he walked away from me. For the first time he did the walking away and I'll admit it hurt. I could not believe it. I stayed in the same spot until one of the soldiers at the gate asked me to leave. That night or rather morning I was counting on two things. For starters, a reconciliation. It's not just because Frank said so but because I had gotten rid of Liam and I was ready to commit to Chris. Another thing, I needed a place to crash. Liam fired me from Lambert Unlimited. The mechanic job isn't enough to raise lease in a good neighborhood. I needed somewhere to sleep or possibly live for a few days but Chris didn't even give me the light of day.

"Did he tell you that?"


"Then don't assume." I reprimanded her bitterly! The little girl started crying. I put her on her mother's lap not caring that the bench tilted because I suddenly got up. She nearly fell over with the babies if the maid standing by didn't sit on the bench to steady it.

I paced to the pool standing at the edge of it.

I can't raise tuition. I can't raise rent. Chris hates me. I covered my face to try to silence my mind before it goes of like a nuclear bomb. There's an option to ask my parents for money. It is their responsibility to educate me. I can move to DC and change colleges.

"Are you alright?" Nora sked me. She's not mad that I almost caused her fall. The babies could have gotten hurt. "I'm sorry for assuming that Chris wants kids or imposing my opinions on you. I'm sorry."

"It's alright." I blinked away my thoughts. "He said I should leave him alone. After I ended it with Liam, I went to Chris. He said I should leave him alone. I hurt him Nora and he hates me for it."

"No no no Court. Don't say that. Chris doesn't hate you. He probably said that because... What is the background of this story?"

We took a seat on the pool chairs. "He told me he loves me. He asked me to stay. He told me if I leave I'll break his heart and I still left."

"He told you he loves you! Oh Courtney!" She took my hand. "Why did you leave?"

"Liam. I didn't want him to get dragged into my mess with Liam. I was protecting him in my own way."

"What can I do to help? Should I talk to Chris?"

I want to ask if I can live in their pool house. I don't wish to impose on them. I know Nora will say yes. Frank will probably say yes too.

"Leave him alone."

"Do you love him?"

I looked into her kind blue eyes. "Yes. But you can't tell anyone."

"I'm guessing you haven't told him."


"Maybe you should. I can invite him over for dinner or something. You can be here and you can tell him how you feel."

The St Patrick Series Book #1: The St Patrick BrideWhere stories live. Discover now