Chapter Thirty Eight: Signature

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Court's POV
The long avoided conversation is here.

I started with accepting that I'm pregnant. That sank in fast when I stopped the denial. Nine weeks along and Chris doesn't even know. I'm excited because I received our first letter this morning. It was hand delivered by a soldier in uniform. He stayed at the door step ringing the bell until I decided to open. I didn't want company and I hoped he would go away but he said he had strict orders to put the letter in my hand. According to him, if he failed, Chris would make his life miserable. I guess my husband is his superior.

Hey Courtney 💕,

I doubt this is how to start a letter but I haven't written one of this since I was in grade school. I wrote a naughty note to a girl i liked and still, it wasn't a proper letter.

I miss you sweetheart.

I keep wondering what you do by yourself when I'm not around. I hope you haven't burned down our home and you're not in jail. Please stay out of trouble. Your new daddy isn't around to bail you out.

Life here is dull without you. Can you believe I can't argue with my men because they don't put up a fight? They say 'yes sir' even when I'm saying the most impractical things. I miss our bickering. I miss your stubbornness. I miss you Court. It already feels like forever. I cross out every single day on the calendar counting it down till the next time I see you.

Sweetheart, I won't be able to call in a while. Please don't forget my voice and don't forget my face. I don't want to be a stranger in the crowd the next time I see you. I don't have any pictures of you but you're committed to memory. I can almost taste you when I close my eyes. Seriously, I miss you Court.

How are you? What's new? Please write to me. I can't wait to read anything you send me even a simple hello. I love you and I'm counting down the days until I see you again.

The guy I sent to deliver the letter will pick yours up when you're ready. He has the number to the house. If he calls, answer.

Your phenomenal husband,
C. St Patrick

I read the letter over and over again.

I pressed it against my chest.

"He didn't write me one." Lucille frowned. "He must have forgotten."

"We can write to him. We will send our together. Then he will respond to both of us."

"I know how you feel. When I was pregnant, both times, Coop was not really around. He was climbing up the ladder of his career and a family was second priority. That is how it is with the army. We wives need to accept second place. It's not always the case but when it is, we adapt." She touched my cheek.

"How do I adapt to being a single mom?"

Marianna did it successfully. She shared her challenges with me and it's not something I want to go through even if I'm at an advantage because I'm not dirt poor. Chris has made me really comfortable. I have everything I need and I have parents from both sides of the family to look out for me. Even with all these advantages, I don't want to be a single mom.

"You won't be alone. This baby will have two capable grandmothers and two tough grandfathers. It's Chris times four, even better." She assured me. "It's just two years. It will go by so fast you won't even know it! The first half is already ongoing. Soon you'll be preparing to receive your little one and it will occupy your mind! The other half will be spent raiding a baby. It will go by so fast!"

"This is not what I wanted." I informed her. "I mean eventually I would have given Chris a baby but not now. I wish we were more careful. I wanted a career and to be free to do what I want for a while."

The St Patrick Series Book #1: The St Patrick BrideWhere stories live. Discover now