Chapter Twenty One: Goodbye Kiss

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"Look more like a woman..." I mattered under my breath as I walked down the street lined with high end fashion boutiques. I haven't decided which one I'm starting with. I don't know who's to do these things. It's days like this that I miss Maria. She would know which shop to enter and what to get. She is highly fashionable. I am not. As long as it's a top and the other a bottom and they are comfortable, it's all good.

I'm not a big fan of cosettes, lace things, perfumes, heeled shoes, jewelry or anything that obviously defines me as a woman. My mother tried all those things on me and it just never ended well for her.

I decided to come up with a sort of method to do this. I'll start with the first thing normal people wear before we the clothes. I entered the first one. I'm not sure about the name. The four women in the shop stopped what they were doing to stare at me. It's not a good stare. They are probably wondering how this creature in mismatched socks, a baseball cap, a man's flannel shirt, a stained vest and lose shorts is doing here. Some of their customers also appeared curious.

"What can a girl do to get some assistance?"

They looked at each other and even discussed who would attend to me. They may as well draw lots. The one who was forcefully volunteered faked a smile. I faked one right back.

"How can I help you?"

"I need..." I counted my fingers. I'm exceptional at math but I don't know how many of this stringy lace things a girl needs. I ended up holding up my hands.



"Of what?"

"The stuff to hold my boobs and panties."

"Ten of each."

I actually meant ten pairs. Five of each. But it's Christopher's money. "Knock yourself out. Disclaimer, I hate white."

"How are you paying for these?"

I laughed instead of calling her out on judging me by appearance. "My sugar daddy is paying hon. Do you accept gold bars or diamonds?"

"Uh... Cash or credit card." She sounds unsure of herself.

"I can't pay for goods not picked, right? Or should I take my business elsewhere?"

"I didn't say you... Never mind. I'll size you up and pick some options. Is it for a vacation? A boyfriend? A photoshoot?"

"Get me something that says 'you can't let your friends see me in this...' or 'it's for your eyes only...' you know what I mean!"

I sat on a bench feeling overwhelmed by what Chris wants. It goes beyond looking fancy and well bred. It has a lot to do with what he was asking for last night. Am I ready to get intimate? What happens after our first night? Does he lose interest?

"I have a few. Follow me."

I followed her to the changing rooms. I thought of asking Nora to be my audience but I am decided to go at it alone. The mirror will have to do. I tried on the first one. It's typically lace and black. "Not bad Court... Not bad." I spoke to my reflection. "This is Chris approved."

I tried on the others one after another and the more I wore them the more I liked the selection. These things don't feel so bad. I feel something I have never felt before... sexy.

The anxious young woman who assisted me smiled when I gave her Christopher's card. "See? I'm a paying customer. Put everything in one bag. Please."

I left the store with my bag of twelve sets of lingerie. Twelve! Chris will be pleased. My next stop, dresses. He mentioned a party. He said his father is being honored or awarded or something. I need a dress!

The St Patrick Series Book #1: The St Patrick BrideWhere stories live. Discover now