Chapter Seventy Seven: Passionate and Sentimental

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Courtney's POV
"Uh- no!" Marianna rolled her eyes at me.

"He loves you. He will do anything for you."

"That is what I'm scared of! The anything part! Dios mios! You don't know Nate's madness, do you?" She asked me. "There's something in that man that loves like a mad man! Loco! Do you understand? I have been successfully free from him and you want to bring him back into my life by making me a gift to him just so that you can save your little company?"

She speaks a lot and she does it fast. For a person who is not even 5ft tall, she is fussy!

"The St Patrick Group is not a little company. I'm not asking you to marry the man! Just be nice and soften him up for me!"

She tapped her feet on the ground. "First things first, you tricked me into coming here! You said there was a spa!"

"Would you have come if I told you that I was meeting at Nathaniel?"

"No..." She mattered under her breath.

I even convinced her to wear little white shorts so that Nate can see her great legs. There's a little cleavage too. I reached out to unbutton one more but she slapped my hand away. "I'm not cheap!"

"Haven't you ever used your well endowed blossom to get something?" I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Fine. Just one!" She only opened one button. Good thing Nate is a whole foot taller. He should see the tatas pretty well.
"What is this about?"

"Proving myself useful. My father in law trusted me with a company and we are going to lose it to Helena Bale."

"And how will Nate help you?"

"Castle said he will. According to him Nate and Helena aren't talking. Is that true?'

"Yes it is." She looked at me through the almost clear sunglasses. "After Nate took Nicko from me, Helena took Nicko from him. I don't know what transpired between them but I know they don't speak to each other. It's been over ten years."

"Oh my! Those two can hold a grudge!"

"They are... I am sometimes concerned about the blood that runs in Nicko's veins. But then I also wonder how you can go that long without speaking to your child!"

"It's possible. It depends on how stubborn the people involved are. I think that's him."

I noted a car approaching. From the corner of my eye, I saw Marianna fixing herself up. She does care about what he thinks. I will make fun of her later. Now, business.

The man in a pristine white uniform joined us. He has a hat on. It's impossible to see his eyes but the angle of his head suggests he's looking at Maria. I have so many mean things to say but I'll hold back.

"Nathaniel, thank you for agreeing to meet us." I shook his hand.

He took off his hat. His whole head is full of silver hair. Chris is still a drop dead gorgeous blond. No silver hair. I can rule out the silver fox thing Nate has going on. His pale blue eyes stayed on Marianna for a moment before he looked at me. "The pleasure is mine. I appreciate a little break from the ship."

I looked into the horizon. All I see is blue. "Where is it?"

"Out of sight. So, do you want to sit down or is it a brief meeting?"

I wanted to say brief but I can do one good deed. I can give this couple a reason to be around each other because their son isn't a good enough reason.

"Let's sit down. There's a restaurant over there."

"Let's go." I walked ahead to make sure Maria is stuck between me and him. Am I supposed to be enjoying this? Why not?

The St Patrick Series Book #1: The St Patrick BrideWhere stories live. Discover now