Chapter Thirty Four: Back Home

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Rayne's POV
When Christopher called to ask that we have the wedding in Inverness I was reluctant. The castle hasn't been occupied in years. A lot of cleaning and preparation will need to go into it all for an event that will last a few hours.

It's worth it.

Leo and I mobilized local help. The place has been thoroughly cleaned. It's an old house that has been in Leo's family for years! It probably dates back to five generations or more.

"You two own an actual castle and you don't even live here!"

"Work took us away from home."

"If I was to love here, I would set aside a throne room and get a crown! It's an island on it's own! Fine, not a big one but it's special!"

"It is. And too much space for three. Court used to make us play hide and seek with her. She would disappear for an entire day and show up for dinner. Nothing lures her out like a meal." We shared a brief laugh. "Chris is thoughtful. It's difficult to find a thoughtful man. Even I didn't think of this place as a venue. Our guest list will be small but it's alright. It will be special to Court. Chris is a thoughtful man."

Lucille looked into her glass of wine. "He is. When a mother is raising boys, the worry is that they turn out callous and selfish. You know how men are. With Chris, it came naturally. He has always been a caring, thoughtful and protective person. He can't help it. I am proud of the man he has become and he will make a great husband for your daughter."

"My daughter... I'm not sure what to say about her. I just know that when she's at her best, she is a loyal companion. On a side note, I can't stop looking at the dress!"

"You almost ruined the surprise."

"No. I changed the narrative fast!" I refilled our glasses of wine. "You can't imagine what it felt like to see her in that dress! It's like my biggest achievement to see her married!"

"Shhhh." Lucille reminded me to keep my voice down.

Court and Chris have brought the St Patricks and the Hales together but planning this wedding has given me a new friend; Lucille. I have many friends and unfortunately, it's because of the positions my husband and I hold. Leo doesn't care for friends. I would like to have that special someone I can tell personal things. I see that person in Lucille. She is genuine. She speaks her mind. I like the whole St Patrick family as a whole. They say it as it is.

"I forgot." Court is here. She's mopping around the house. I'm convinced she's sad about Chris but Lucille is thinking something else. That something else is worrying me. I'm not sure if Court is ready to be a mom. "When is Chris getting here?"

Lucille glanced at her watch. She is at her fourth glass of wine. "In an hour or so. He keeps time. He's never late. I'm so excited about tonight!" I put together the salad in a bowl. It's the final dish I'm making before dinner. "What's wrong Rayne?"

"Is she really... pregnant? I'm having trouble imagining her that way. She's not the nurturing kind."

"She hasn't confirmed it but I feel she is. I'm waiting for the proof. It will eventually show." She laughed. It's easy for her. Chris is not the one who will carry a child. It's a risky affair. My term with Court was difficult. I had many scares before she was born prematurely. She was so small and we weren't hopeful about her survival. We would take turns to watch her.
"Don't be like that! It's a good thing! We will have a grandchild to spoil!"

"I had a difficult pregnancy. I almost lost her multiple times. She was born prematurely. That's why I never had a second child. Lucille, Chris will marry her and that makes me happy. But he will leave and we don't know how long he will be gone. She will be alone and pregnant."

The St Patrick Series Book #1: The St Patrick BrideWhere stories live. Discover now