Chapter Sixteen: The Matchmaker

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Court's POV

She held her hands at her waist. She looked at her assistant. "Please excuse us."

Coming to DC was the last thing I wanted to do. It wasn't in my plans but I'm up against a corner. I left old man Jenkin's yard in a hurry after two policemen came looking for me. Liam must have finally carried out his threat. Like a scared little girl, I ran all the way home to mommy and daddy. I can't start with daddy because he's just as impossible to deal with as I am. I chose mom. She's the softer one.

"It's been over a year." She started the long awaited conversation. "All this time you didn't bother to pick up the phone and say that very word you're saying to me now. What do you want Courtney?"

"You sent Chris a letter."



She approached me setting her hands on each of my wrists. "You're thin. Don't you eat?"

"College is stressful. I work two jobs as well."

"It's not easy to survive on your own, is it?"

Her sympathetic green eyes nearly brought me to tears. I looked away. I want to tell her I'm in trouble so that she can make it go away. There's a bratty side to me, the entitled only child of an ambassador and a diplomat. That manipulative only child wants to ask the diplomat to solve this problem so that I can go back to my life.

"No it's not but it's a learning process!" I broke away from her. "Nice office! You can see the white house from here!"

I'm not telling her.

"Do you want to visit the white house? I can make arrangements-"

"This is not a social visit. Why did you send the letter to Chris?"

She went back to her seat. "Because that was your intention just before you left. Why else would you compose a letter?"


"Us something troubling you Court?"

"No. I was in town and I just decided to say hello. I'm off then!"

"Don't you want to see your father? He will be here in the next five minutes."

"No, I don't want to see him. Bue mom."

I won't be the bratty little girl. I'm not asking them to make this go away. I'll have to deal with it.

While making my way to the building exit, I saw Chris. He's shaking hands with my father! I hid myself taking a peep at them. What are they talking about? Should I see my father? I don't want to. I can't be seen by either one of them.

I hurried out only to run right into Liam.

"Would you look at that! You're here!"

He prevented my attempts to escape. "What are you doing here?"

"I was coming to meet your father. His office told me he's here. Why don't we do that together?" He tried to lead me along but I refused.

"What are you doing?"

"Wham am I doing? What are you doing Courtney?" He nearly crashed my hand in his strong grip. "We had a deal. You broke it."

"You can't te my father!"

"I don't intend to princess. I'm just introducing myself as the man who wants to marry his daughter. That's right. You and I are getting married."

I pushed away.

The St Patrick Series Book #1: The St Patrick BrideWhere stories live. Discover now