Chapter Seventy One: Red Shovel

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Court's POV

It took me a moment to respond. I'm surprised to see her. "Hi. What are you doing here?" I got Bruce out of the back seat.

Today he went to Washington to visit his grandfather. Daddy introduced him to the press.

"He's really grown." Allegra noted. "How old is he now?"

"He just turned one." And there was a battle about who will throw him a lavish party. He's one for goodness sake! Daddy threw him a pre-birthday that spilled over to midnight so that it's an actual birthday and the Major carried it on the next day. The poor thing hasn't slept much.

"He doesn't look like Chris. I guess I'm used to the idea that sons look like their fathers."

That's closed minded but well, we can't all be forward thinkers. I mean I have genes too! I'm not made up of marbles and sticks.

"What can I do for you?"

I haven't seen her for weeks. She's been quiet since Aubrey's death.

"I wanted to pick up Aubrey's things... if that is okay with you."

"It's alright. Come along." I led the way. "How have you been?"

"Coping." She laughed nervously. "I'm making adjustments as I go. It's not easy. It's strange how I wake up in the morning and I feel purposeless. The pain isn't fading."

"I'm sorry to hear that." I deeply empathize with her loss. I invited her into my house. We went upstairs to the nursery. "Chris packed up everything."

It wasn't easy for him.

The crushing weight of losing a child broke him. Even Commander Holt asked him why he has no spirit in him. He became a mindless robot without opinions. It took therapy to get him to some sort of normalcy. The strangest thing is that all through his chaos, Chris never failed to be a father to Bruce. He also tried to be a good husband even though I could see how sad he is.

"It's easier than I thought. I just have to pick up this box and take it with me."

I waited for her to do it but she just stared at it.

"I can tell a maid to take it for you. Hold on. I'll get one."

"Wait. Courtney, this is a strange request but can I please hold Bruce? My arms are so empty. Please."

My little boy is irritable. It's been a hot day and he's tired.

"I need to give him a bath. You can join us."

It's the least I can do for her.

Allegra sat quietly as I gave Bruce a bath. At some point she started singing. I'm not good at singing. My voice isn't cut out for it but Allegra sounds melodic. Bruce is paying attention. I left him on the bed to pick out his clothes. I found Allegra rocking him as she dabbed him dry.

"Therapy helps." I told her.

"It's easier for men."

"I don't see how."

"Women meet the baby even before it's a human being. For nine months the baby lives in a woman and after that, every other second in her arms. It's harder for women. It's just my opinion."

"If you put it that way."

I'm not arguing with a grieving woman.

"I mean why should I sit on a chair and talk to a stranger about my feelings? They will never understand how much it hurts to lose a child. Chris would but he doesn't talk to me!"
I eyed her to make sure she sees me clearly. "Which is okay because he's married and I have caused trouble in the past."

The St Patrick Series Book #1: The St Patrick BrideWhere stories live. Discover now