Chapter Fifty Four: Never Ever

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Christopher's POV
While I was seated in my car, thinking about my problems, I saw Allegra walking into the compound. I knew it at that second that shit is about to hit the fan. She has been coming to the base daily looking for me. I left instructions that she should never be allowed through and the imbecile that lets her through, will be dealt with. Avoidance. Not a solution. Just a bandaid. Avoidance. Postponing the innevitable until I am forced to confront it.

Mom said this will blow up in my face. I have had many opportunities to confront Allegra and Tommy. I ignore her and I avoid him. Part of me has managed to believe that it's not so bad to let Tommy raise Aubrey. She won't be my responsibility and I can salvage my marriage. Court and Bruce mean the world to me. 

I did not leave the car. Even when mom drove towards the gate,I stayed put. It's when the tires screeched that I left the car. I made my way to the open gate.

"Why am I still seeing you? Get off my property!" Courtney sounds mad. What will I say to her?

Allegra ran out in the opposite direction without looking my way. I guess we know who is the alpha. I'm married to her. I can't help but feel proud that she can never be bullied. She's the bully.


"Did you know that Chris is Aubrey's father? Did you know that?"

The cat is out of the bag. She knows. Mom was right.

"I... Uh... I figured it out."


"When you told me about Tommy's medical report. I couldn't tell you. It wasn't my place. Chris should be the one to tell you."

Ma has slipped up. Damn it!

" say that Chris should be the one to tell me, does that mean he knows? Does he know that Aubrey is his daughter?"

Enough hiding. Enough avoidance. I showed myself.

"Yes I know. Court, we should talk."

She hurled a rock at me. I dodged it quickly. "Stop being crude! Use your words woman!"

"I will kill you Christopher!" She took off her slipper and hit me with it. She threw the second one. I caged her in my arms. "Let me go Christopher!"

"Calm down! Calm down and let's talk."

"No!" She screamed at me. "I don't want to talk. I want to fight!"

"I can't fight you!"

"Then stand still and get smacked." She pushed me but she's the one who moved. "I hate you!"

She's like a bratty child with a temper.

I had no choice but to throw her over my shoulder. I smacked her bottom for every tantrum she threw until we got to the house. Freya jumped out of my way when we crossed paths. I ignored my mother's pleas to put Court down. As soon as we got to the bedroom I dropped her on the bed and locked the door. "Let's talk. Words, not throwing-"

A lamp was hurled my way. I barely dodged it. "I will throw you out of the window! I can't believe you! You knew!" All the pillows on the bed followed.

I don't mind being hit by pillows. For those, I let her hit me.

When Courtney is upset, she's mean. When she's angry, she taps into aggression I don't understand. She goes from zero to explosive in seconds. She must get it from her father. It's all about throwing things and I am not going to wait around for her to carry out her threats. I took her arms to still the feisty beauty. Our struggle ended on the bed when I pinned her down on her stomach and I got on top of her holding her in place by the wrists by her back. "I said calm down damn it!" I smacked her bottom. She screamed and struggled and I spanked her until she stopped. "When you're ready to be civil, we can talk. Keep struggling and I swear you won't sit down for a week!"

The St Patrick Series Book #1: The St Patrick BrideWhere stories live. Discover now