Chapter Forty: Daddy's Champ

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Christopher's POV
I couldn't wait to be alone in my quarters.

After a whole day of work, it feels good to retire to my quarters where I am alone and no longer the boss. Some of these men are young. Some like me, have left wives at home and for some even children.

I think of Courtney often, even when I shouldn't. She creeps into my mind when I'm supposed to be focusing on work. It's just like her to come into my mind whenever she pleases, when I least expect her.

She sent me a package.

I hope it is not a pair of her panties because I'll go raving mad.

"And what the hell is this?" I talk to myself a lot. It's the only way to beat the silence. My men only see me as a boss. I try not to make friends with them. I am friendly once in a while with a hint of concern but I don't want to blur the lines if they are to adhere to my authority.  "Daddy's champ..."

I broke out laughing while holding the little thing on my hand. It's small. Courtney is trying to be funny. She has me laughing. It has worked. The laughing dwindled down. I took a hard look at the little white piece of clothing. The thought of a child crept into my mind. "Daddy's champ."

I can't think of children at this moment. I just can't. The thought shouldn't be entertained. It wouldn't be fair for her to be pregnant alone. We should be pregnant together.

I opened her letter.

The first thing that fell out is a little dark picture. I have no idea what I'm looking at.

My phenomenal husband,

After repeatedly writing various versions of this letter -which I'll admit have caused me sleepless nights- I have finally put together this one. It's funny how a letter demands thoughts to be in order. If you were here I would say anything I want. Even if it doesn't make sense, you would get it. In this letter it has to make sense because if it does not then I have to write again and after endless drafts... you get the point.

I'm pregnant!

"What?" I sat up suddenly. I could have broken my back with that fast movement.

The little picture made sudden sense! It's a sonogram! I don't understand what I'm looking at but my baby is in there somewhere. With eyes so wife, I studied it trying to make sense of it.

I have to make sense of it!

I set off to find Turner, the army medic. He should be able to show me my baby.

Each evening the men get together to drink and obviously share in obscene conversations that they wouldn't want me to hear. When I set foot in the room, they all stiffened. They stood up at attention. "At ease. Turner."

He hurried in my direction.

We found a private spot in the narrow hallway. "Where is the baby?"


Court better not be playing a prank on me! She can be cruel at times. I showed him the sonogram. "Where is the baby?"

He took a moment to study the sonogram. "Cherry."


"At about eight to ten weeks the baby is an inch long give or take. Doctors call it a cherry. Do you see this little dot sir?"

I squinted to catch what he's saying. A stupid grin came over me. "That's my kid."

"Congratulations sir."

I patted his arm. "Thank you! You can go back."

I went back to my quarters. The little clothing makes sense. Daddy's champ is in the making. I ran my hand over my face. "Oh Court! You're giving me something here!"

The St Patrick Series Book #1: The St Patrick BrideWhere stories live. Discover now