Chapter Thirty Three: Mommies and Plans

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Lucille's POV
At exactly 6:59am, I was in DC about to knock at the front door of Court's home. I pause to fix myself up. Meeting her parents is a big deal to me and I hope to do it on my turf at Lake Tahoe over Thanksgiving. But the situation on the ground had changed and I'm adapting. I checked myself in the mirror. I want to give Christopher a good representation.

I rang the door bell at exactly 7 am. I hope they are awake.

After giving it some thought, I decide to include her mother.

I rang the door bell for the second time a few seconds after.

The sound of the turning lock got my heart pounding hard. I don't know who she I or if we will even get along. I'm taking into account hiw my first encounter with Court went and I'm terrified. A falling out when a wedding is supposed to happen in a week won't be good. Chris will never forgive me for not putting my best foot forward.

"Morning!" I greeted the woman dressed in official clothing. Now I feel under dressed in my slacks and sweater! "My name is Lucille."

She shook my hand with a consistent puzzled expression.

"Hello Lucille, how can I help you?"

"I'm sorry to drop in unannounced." Chris called late at night.   I was so busy scrubbing floors that I didn't hear the phone. It's either I stress eat or stress clean and the latter is of more benefit. "I'm Christopher's mother."

"Oh!" Her face lit up. She's a pretty woman just like Court. She flange her arms around me. Court is not a hugger. Her mom is full of warmth. "I'm Courtney's mother! My name is Rayne Mae Hale."

"Rain like water from above?"

"No." She laughed. "R-A-Y-N-E." She spelt it out for me. "Come in! Come in! Leo! Leo!"

Who is she calling?

"Yes?" A tall sexy man peeked from the living room.

"Mrs St Patrick! Christopher's mother!" She looked at me. "We love love love your son!"

"You raised him well." The man with playful blue eyes shook my hand. "It's a ln honor to meet you. Is the Major with you?"

"No. It's just me." They are overwhelming me with their attention.

"Is something wrong? Did something happen to Chris?" He asked.

"No!" I laughed. "I'm sorry if I gave a grim expression. I'm just excited to meet the people who made Court. She's so..."

"Interesting?" Rayne laughed in a mean way. Now that I how Court laughs. "We know our work. You don't need to explain it. Have you had any breakfast?"

She led me away to the dining room.

I looked around the luxurious home. Shiny things have never been my style but Rayne likes shiny things. I straightened a golf tea set acting as tge table centerpiece.

"Thank you." I accepted the cup of tea.

"How exciting to meet you! Is the Major blond too?"

"No. I'm the blonde."

"Chris is a pure blond! No strand of dark hair on him! I'm anticipating blond grandchildren! It will be tbe first in this family of brunettes!"

"Grandchildren..." I sighed. "Me too."

I looked around as I sipped the tea. She didn't even ask me how I want my tea yet I'm here trying to get her opinion on things. Positive thoughts, don't start a cat fight.

"What can I do for you?"

I placed the brand new book I bought for this wedding. "There will be a wedding in a week." I informed her.

The St Patrick Series Book #1: The St Patrick BrideWhere stories live. Discover now