Chapter Forty Three: I Know Your Secret Part 2

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Tommy's POV
It's taking too long.

Should I be worried?

I have already told the Major General he's going to be a grandfather. He was shocked but he said he has to see it for himself. I hope that this child holds a resemblance to the St Patricks. He will be keen on it especially after the abrupt end of my marriage. I don't think they believe the miscarriage.

"Mr St Patrick, congratulations." A nurse presented a little baby wrapped up in a white blanket. "It's a girl."


I hoped for a boy. I smiled nonetheless. "Thank you." I took the little one from her. She's pretty. My heart melted when she opened her blue eyes. "She's perfect. Can I see her?"

"This way."

Allegra looks exhausted. She smiled when I got closer. "I see you have met your ni... daughter. You have met your daughter."

"I have." The nurses excused us. "You should get used to saying daughter. That slip is easy to catch especially for the Major. Let's get our stories straight. While you were with Chris, we got together."

"They will think I'm the cheapest woman alive."

"It doesn't matter. This little girl has to pass off as mine. We will call it a weak moment. Chris was giving you a cold shoulder and I we got too comfortable. It happened once. Do you understand?"

"What is they ask why it took me so long to say something?"

"Tell them you didn't want to cause any problems. Tell them you finally came clean close to the birth and you came to me. Express certainty when you tell them I'm the father. Do you understand? Don't forget your mother is getting the best care because I will it. Do you understand?"

"Yes. I-"

"Tommy." The Major entered the hospital room. When he set his eyes on her, his face hardened. My mother looked confused. "Allegra. Or is it an identical twin?"

"It better me!" Mom held her hands at her waist. "What is the meaning of this Tommy?"


"I can explain." Allegra cut in. "I'm so embarassed about this. I wish you didn't have to find out like this. Tommy and I got together once."

"Got together for what? Tea? A movie?"

"We were intimate." I saved her from saying it. "This sweet little thing is the result."

"No!" My mother shook her head in denial. She gave the Major General her purse. "Absolutely not! This is a load of bull. You young lady were with Chris if I date this back. Do you mean when you were dating one of my sons you were spreading your legs for another? Are you that desperate to marry into this family?"

"Lucille." Dad tried to intervene when Allegra started crying. "You're upsetting her."

She laughed harshly. "Upsetting her? Open your eyes Major! They are making fools out of us. Penny and the so called miscarriage and then this shit? No!"

"There's a child in the room. Stop cursing."

"Should I have brought a card and balloons? I don't buy this Tommy!" She snatched her purse and walked out.

"Congratulations." The Major followed.

I hope mom softens up. She is the one who will sink us.

Lucille's POV
"You need to calm down."

"Calm down? Don't you know Tommy by now? He's up to no good and I can assure you that is not his baby! That is not a St Patrick. A woman that lose was with other men. That is not Tommy's baby!"

The St Patrick Series Book #1: The St Patrick BrideWhere stories live. Discover now