Chapter Seventy Nine: Cheater

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Christopher's POV
Francis has really done a lot with the Harrington Hotel. It's expanding worldwide and it's getting more luxurious by the day. In my opinion, he loves his work.

I decided to leave work  early to talk to him. He's acting strange. When we were on the yacht, he called his pilot and left without Freya. It was confusing because there were no signs of conflict between them. They were fine. Next thing he's gone and it seems he didn't tell Freya because she went around looking for him.

"It's rare or probably even unheard of for a host to abandon his own party."

"Not now Chris."

He's in a mood.

He's shuffling through papers in a fast pace. "What are you looking for?"

"My bloody prenup." He suddenly slapped them aside and they scattered all over the floor. The look in his eyes desperate and even angry.

"Is everything okay buddy?"

He finally made eye contact. "No."

I remember Court saying we never talk about our issues. It's the whole reason I coaxed Nate into talking about his disinheritance and his inability to raise fees for Nickolas. We have to get better at talking. "Do you want to talk about it?"

He mattered to himself. He is a mess. Francis is clean cut. I can't recall a time there has even been a strand of curly hair on his head out of place. He looks like he hasn't combed his hair in days. His office is an endless pile of papers on the floor. I can't even see the floor.

"Nora is cheating on me."


"Unbelievable, right? Perfect little Nora a cheater. I couldn't believe it either but she's been doing it since we came from our bloody honeymoon! Somewhere along the way I started having doubts but I kept deluding myself into thinking I'm being paranoid! Do you know how many years Chris? Sixteen fucking years! She has been cheating on me for sixteen fucking years and I'm the bloody idiot who stayed faithful! Stupid!" He slapped his forehead. "Stupid! Stupid!"

How do people respond to these situations? What should I say?

"Do you know the guy?"

"Her college professor." He sighed. "I willingly parted with a lot of money to get her into an ivy league college so that she can make something of herself and the entire time she was screwing around with him and coming home to me so that she can continue to pretend we are a happy little family of four! I never caught her! How foolish am I?"

"You're not foolish. She's just that good."

"I want to hurt someone."

"Any man in your shoes would but you probably should be careful with that thought. I'm sorry to ask you this but are the twins yours?"


"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I got a paternity test done after I started having doubts. I didn't tell them. I can't believe she has done this to us. I have been nothing but faithful to her."

Which is quite something because Francis can be a gentleman as much as a womanizer. He has no qualms with moving from one woman to another with haste. For him to stay faithful for sixteen years, means he was really committed.

"Have you confronted her?"

"Yes I have. She's pregnant by him."

"Okay..." I sighed. I thought Court and I were the only ones crazy enough to space our children by a whole fourteen years! My little girl is a little over two years old. Bruce is now sixteen and troublesome. "Is she keeping it?"

The St Patrick Series Book #1: The St Patrick BrideWhere stories live. Discover now