Chapter 2

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Clarke POV

After training with Lexa for about two hours, they washed off in the river not too far from their house before going home. Clarke started on dinner as Lexa was doing whatever she was doing. It was around five in the afternoon.

"Clarke! Did you touch my journal?" Lexa called from their bedroom.

"Your diary is on the bedside table!" Clarke called. Clarke put a match under the stove, lighting the flame for the stove. She blew out the match before throwing it away. She grabbed the rabbit meat from the icebox and put it on to cook.

Lexa came out of the bedroom, holding her journal and a pencil. "First of all, it's not a diary." Lexa said, sitting down at the table. "It's a journal."

"Dear diary, Clarke kissed me today and it was the best day ever. I also made her a flower crown." Clarke teased. Lexa groaned as Clarke laughed.

"I hate you." Lexa got up and hugged her from behind.

"No, you love me." Clarke turned her head and kissed her.

"You are right, I do." Lexa kissed Clarke's cheek. "What are you making?"

"We've had this rabbit forever and I want to use it before it's goes bad." Lexa put her head on her shoulder. "Since Madi isn't here to choose what we have, you choose."

"Those green tree things."

"Broccoli?" Clarke asked.

"Yeah. Those are great." Lexa pulled away but left a hand on Clarke's shoulder. She squeezed softly before letting go.

"Lucky for you those are in season."

Clarke grabbed the rest of the stuff she needed and made dinner. Lexa was at the table writing. Clarke was cutting broccoli into smaller pieces when the door opened. Madi walked in. "I made it back during sunset." Madi said, walking in. "Broccoli? That's from like 2020 or whenever."

"Don't look at me." Clarke said. "I didn't choose. You'll probably like this actually." Madi walked into her room to drop off her bag before coming back out.

"I don't smell fish so that is a good sign." Madi said, sitting at the table with Lexa.

"I think it's called a stir fry or something." Clarke said. "It's was an old earth thing I'm pretty sure." Clarke finished up dinner and put it on the table. "It's supposed to be made with beef but we don't have cows so we are trying it with rabbit." Lexa closed her journal and put it on the empty seat. The empty seat was for Aden for when he joined them for dinner a few times a week.

"What was Polis like?" Madi asked. "We were talking about it while I was out with friends." Clarke finished chewing and swallowed before answering.

"It was kind of like Eden but much bigger." Clarke said. "There was a tower, it was like probably hundred floors or something. You saw it when we went to the bunker during the six years but it was crumbled. When you and Aden would look around Polis, you probably didn't even see half of it, that's the size."

"So Polis was the capital and was like where everyone wants to be?"

"Yeah." Lexa said. "It is rare for you to met someone that hasn't been to Polis, it's like a unwritten tradition, to go to Polis once in your life, I guess. It's like the Grounder Heaven as Raven called it."

"You would be a trouble maker there." Clarke told Madi. Madi smiled. "Outside of Polis it's mainly warriors, guards and people training in the villages. There were still like just people living there but in Polis it was more like business and families and kids getting yelled at by adults for almost tipping them."

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