Chapter 45

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Lexa POV

She actually slept very well. She felt a weight on her chest and limbs around her. There was also something wet on her chest. She opened her eyes and saw Clarke drooling on her chest. Her hair was spread all over the place.

She looked over at the tent flap. She didn't see any daylight so it was still very early in the morning. Lexa started rubbing Clarke's back to wake her. She looked at her face, Clarke looked like a goddess. The way that her golden blonde hair flowed around her face and the way her lips were parted. The birthmark above her top lip.

Not much later, Clarke opened her eyes. She smiled, wiping drool off Clarke's face. Clarke kissed her finger as it brushed over Clarke's lips. She got off Lexa and propped her head up on her hand.

"Let's go sneak off." Clarke whispered, her voice raspy from just waking up. A smile slowly grew on her face and nodded. They got out of bed and got dressed, praying that someone wouldn't walk in on them.

They didn't bother with weapons or anything. They just put on simple clothes such as jeans and a long sleeve. Lexa finished with her shoes and looked up at Clarke. God, that shirt fit her so well. The way it hugged her chest and hips, drove her crazy.

She looked up at her face and Clarke had an eyebrow arched. "Try to keep it in your pants, Commander." Clarke teased. She rolled her eyes heading towards the tent entrances. Clarke laughed, following her lead.

They looked around, looking to see if anyone was looking at them. They didn't want anyone to follow them, even if they were guards and there for their protection. If the guards follow them, it'll just be bathing and not messing around like little kids.

Once, they made sure no one was looking; they snuck off into the woods. Clarke took her hand and pulled her along. They were laughing like lovesick teens, trying not to get in trouble but there was no one who could tell them off or stop them. It was sometimes good to imagine they weren't the boss of everyone and they were just two women in love.

They walked around, trying to find the river. The river was only a mile or so away so it shouldn't take too long. Well, it'll take longer since it's dark out and they have no light source. Within an hour, the sun would be up so the worst comes to worst, they wait an hour and either end up back at camp or the river.

They wander around and somehow end up making out against a tree. Lexa was pressed against a tree with a leg hooked around Clarke's waist. Lexa's hands were on Clarke's face, holding her to her lips. Clarke's hands were on her hips, pulling on her hips into her.

It was silent other than their heavy breathing and crickets chirping. Clarke's hand reached around and grabbed Lexa's ass. She let out a soft moan and the kiss got even messier than before. Both of their jaws were gonna be sore by the end of this.

They heard a branch snap behind them and they broke apart, looking around. Fiona stood there awkwardly. "Uh, hi. I'm just gonna go. Camp is that way." Fiona stuttered out, pointing.

"What are you doing out here?" Clarke asked as Lexa fixed her hair.

"Bathroom." Fiona rubbed the back of her neck.

"Did you see a river?" Lexa asked.

"That way." Fiona pointed in the direction oppsite of camp and then walked away.

"We just scared her for life." She said. They both laughed softly and then jogged off. That was probably the most awkward thing Lexa had lived through. She didn't know if she preferred Raven walking in and acting like nothing was happening or Fiona.

They saw the river come into sight and Clarke was keeping a distance, scared she was gonna be thrown in. They started to undress and laid out their clothes. Luckily it wasn't too cold out. She looked over at Clarke who wasn't paying attention.

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