Chapter 6

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Lexa POV

Lexa was standing in an empty field. The grass was freshly cut and there were flowers everywhere. The field seemed to go on for miles. She bent down and picked one of the flowers. It was a pink peonie, Clarke's favorite flower. Lexa smiled.

She heard a rumble in the sky and she looked up. The sky was turning gray and it started to rain. Lightening struck the ground next to her and a loud crack of thunder followed almost right after.

Lexa shot up to a sitting position and looked around. She was out of breath. She looked out the window and the sky was almost fully blue and the sun was above the horizon. Clarke sat up a little and put a hand on her back.

"Hey, you are okay." Clarke said, rubbing Lexa's back. Lexa sighed and rubbed her face. Clarke sat up all the way and Lexa leaned into her. "What happened?"

"Cassia choice to be an alarm clock this morning." Lexa grumbled, grabbing her journal. "I'll tell you once, I get everything down so I don't forget anything." Clarke nodded and Lexa started to write, everything from what the room looked like to what Cassia and the Commanders said. Clarke was sitting next to her, rubbing her back and sometimes playing with the ends of her hair.

Lexa handed Clarke the journal once she was done and Clarke took it. "So basically, something is gonna happen today but we have to let everybody go onto their daily things. Cassia said to keep your love ones close so I want to find away that Madi can be with us. I think Aden will be fine because he has Nova with him but if it comes down to it, we can bring him in too with Nova." Lexa sighed. "We have to let everyone in the rover go but I trust that they know what to do." Lexa said as Clarke read the journal.

"Madi has been asking to learn medical stuff so, we can take her to my mom. I can help out while you can do whatever with your guards." Lexa nodded. "How Cassia wake you?"

"Put me in a middle of a field and a storm came over. Thunder woke me up." Lexa said, getting out of bed. "I'm gonna go talk to Indra quickly. You are on babysitting duty." Clarke laughed softly. "Wait, until I get back to take Madi to medical." Lexa started to get changed.

Once Lexa was finished, Clarke got out of bed and kissed Lexa. "Be safe." Clarke said.

"When am I not safe?" Lexa asked. Clarke shrugged and kissed her one last time. "I love you."

"I love you." Clarke said.

Lexa walked out of the house and started her walk to the training grounds. She almost got tripped a few times by kids running in the streets but other than that she made it to the training grounds unharmed.

There were some people training in the smaller arenas just practicing. She jogged over to the bigger arenas and saw a few classes going on. There were younger kids, probably around five to ten year olds, then another group of eleven to fiveteen year olds, and then sixteen to adult was the final group. Indra was over with the youngest group, teaching them as the other groups trained.

Lexa made her away over her the youngest group. She walked over behind Indra waiting for Indra to finish talking to the kids. She saw a few of the younger kids look at her and then looked at their friends. Soon almost none of the kids were listening to Indra and were looking at her.

"None of you have heard a single word I've said." Indra said. The kids all looked at Indra. "As a warrior nothing can't distract you, you lose focus for a second in battle, you die." Indra looked over the group. "Partner up and get back to training." The kids scrambled into partners and started to train. Indra turned around and saw her.

"Take it easy on them." Lexa said. "They are still children."

"You have teach the like you teach your warriors." Indra said. "Octavia was seventeen, she trained with the front line warriors and the best warriors and look at her now."

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