Chapter 8

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Lexa POV

The following morning, Lexa woke up to soft footsteps making their way towards the bed. She heard a female quiet laugh, then a soft pat on something and the quiet laughter stopped. The footsteps were by the end of the bed now and Lexa still had her eyes closed, but had a soild guess to who was in the room. Clarke shifted, moving impossible closer to her and the footsteps stopped. The room was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. The footsteps started again after a few moments.

"Three, two, one." A female voice whispered.

A sudden coldness hit Lexa and she gasped, sitting up. All the air left her lungs caused by the freezing water. She gasped for air and looked at the end of the bed. Octavia and Nova were at the end of the bed, laughing and they each had a metal bucket in their hands.

"I'm gonna drown both of you in the river!" Clarke said, angrily, throwing the blankets off of them. Nova and Octavia dropped the buckets that hit the floor with a loud 'clang' and the two women bolted out of the room. Clarke got out of bed and stomped out of the room, looking like a drowned rat but still very beautiful looking. Lexa stumbled out of the bed and walked out of the room, laughing.

In the living room, Raven was on the couch. Nova was on Aden's back behind one of the couchs and Octavia and Clarke were wrestling on the floor. Octavia and Clarke keep trying to pin each other but since they were both very skilled in fighting, they failed. Madi must have gone to school since she wasn't there. They both were talking over each other and Octavia was now a little wet from Clarke.

Lexa sighed and walked over to the two fighting women. She grabbed Clarke, wrapping her arms around her waist and picked her up, pulling her off Octavia. Clarke struggled against her.

"No, let me back at her!" Clarke said, as Lexa lowered them to the ground.

"This bitch had me in a chokehold!" Octavia said, pointing at Clarke. "Your wife just tried to kill me!"

"I was having a very good dream and not in the way you think." Clarke said, giving up. Lexa let go of Clarke and rubbed her arms. Raven didn't look like she believed Clarke at all. "I was on a date with Lexa in my dream so don't even think about it."

"I'm wet." Octavia said, getting off the ground.

"That's what you said last night." Raven said, crossing her legs. Everyone groaned. "Anyways, get ready Clexa. We are going to talk to miss woman today and Aden and Nova get to play Heda and Hedatu."

"They don't take orders from me." Nova said, getting off Aden's back. "So just Heda and Nova." Nova kissed Aden's cheek.

Clarke and Lexa went back to their room and got changed. They put their armour on along with their warpaint. It took them a little longer due to them sneaking kisses and touches but they finally got ready. They grabbed a quick breakfast before putting their shoes on. They walked out of the house. Clarke, Lexa, Octavia and Raven, hugged Nova and Aden. Aden and Nova went back into the house and the four of them got into the rover. Raven and Octavia got into the front and Clarke and Lexa got into the back. There was two back packs on the floor of the rover. Lexa picked on up and opened it. There was rations, water, first aid, and a few other things. She zipped it back up and put it next to the other bag.

"Ready ladies?" Raven asked, starting the rover up.

"Yep." Clarke said, getting comfortable. Clarke released a sigh and closed her eyes. "I am going to go back to sleep because someone woke me up. Also why was Raven not there?" Raven started to drive.

"Ever since you got married, you turned into a monster in the morning. I choose to live. Nova had Aden's protection and Octavia has her fists while I have one working leg." Raven said. "I'm using my smarts now."

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