Chapter 30

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Clarke POV

They docked at Eden early the next morning. Clarke didn't get very much sleep, she was too worried about Lexa. She woke up to Lexa spooning her which was a very rare thing. Her hand was also up her shirt and holding her boob. She had no idea how her hand got there. She slowly tried to remove her hand since there were many other people in the room. Lexa grumbled and squeezed. She gasped.

"This always happens." Clarke mumbled. She pulled her hand off her boob and got it around her waist which was much better.

"Probably atleast twenty people saw Lexa holding them." Someone said, from across the room. Clarke lifted her head and saw Raven sitting a few feet away, putting her brace on.

"How long has she been holding me?" Clarke asked.

"Since I woke up." Raven said. "So atleast twenty minutes." Clarke sighed. She felt Lexa pull herself closer to her and grumbled. "Get ready, we are at Eden. Also wake your wife up." Raven got up and walked out.

Clarke rolled on her other side and kissed Lexa's head. She ran her fingers through Lexa's hair. "Lex." Clarke said, shaking her a little. "Lexa." Lexa hummed in her sleep. "We are home, we have to get up."

"I'm comfty." Lexa mumbled.

"I know but Madi and Aden are waiting." Lexa opened her eyes. "Good morning."

"Good morning." Lexa yawned.

After a while, they got up. They got dressed quickly and got into some armor. They were brought breakfast by a few woman. They ate quickly before going to the main deck. They saw people carrying boxes and other stuff. They saw the King and Prince walking over to them.

"Should we invite them to Eden?" Lexa asked in trig.

"Yeah, just the two of them. Fiona can come if she wants." Clarke said. "We can maybe also talk about making a treaty or something." Lexa nodded. The King and Jax reached them.

"Glad to be home?" Jax asked.

"We aren't to Eden yet." Lexa said. "But we have an offer." The King looked interested. "You two can come to Eden. Just you two. We figured we could repay you."

"No guards?" Jax asked, just as the King was about to talk.

"We didn't have guards." Clarke said.

"Let us grab a few things and we will met you on the land." The King told them. Jax looked at his father in shock.

With that, they walked away to go grab things. They met up with Octavia and Raven and quickly filled them in on what was happening. A few woman brought them their bags, they thanked them and hugged them. Fiona eventually joined in with them and they got off the ship.

"It will be nice that I get to see Eden when I'm not kidnapped." Fiona said, as they walked off the ramp. "Your guards were pretty chill for what Jax did."

"They shot you and knocked you out." Clarke said. "I don't think that is very chill."

"If I did that with Bellmare guards, I would have been beat up until I had interal bleeding and thrown in the toture chamber." Fiona said, moving sand around with her foot. "So what's Eden like when you aren't kidnapped?"

"The vibe is totally different from Bellmare." Raven said. "Bellmare is like depressed and Eden is like happy."

"So Heaven and Hell?" Fiona said. "Sounds fun."

"Yeah." Raven said.

The King and Jax finally got off the ship and met up with them. Fiona and Jax seemed like they were going to pounce on each other, and kill each other with their bare hands. Raven put her arms around Octavia.

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