Chapter 15

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Lexa POV

It was the next day. Clarke and Lexa were in their room laying around, pretending that they don't have to do stuff and be leaders. Lexa was on her back and Clarke was half way on top of her, resting her head on her shoulder area. She was running her fingers through Clarke's blonde hair.

"Are you gonna let your hair grow out or cut it again?" Lexa asked. Clarke cut her hair at the end of the six years and it was starting to get long again. It was past her shoulders now. "Your hair also grows very fast."

"I think I might grow it out." Clarke said with her eyes closed. "As much as it was nice to have short hair, I missed you braiding it. I know you thought the short hair was sexy." Clarke was not wrong with that last part. Lexa smiled and kissed her head.

"I like both." Clarke pulled her closer. "I don't think we can be any closer, niron." Lexa teased. Clarke's hands went up her shirt and around her. Lexa laughed softly. "We also have to get up soon."

"No we don't." Clarke mumbled. "I am very comfortable and I don't want to." Clarke started to draw circles on her skin under her shirt. "As Hedatu, I order us to stay in bed until noon."

"I hate to break it to you but it is almost noon and we have to get ready."

"Like you said almost noon."


"I'm sleeping."

"No you are not."

"Shhh, you keep waking me up."

"What am I gonna do with you?" Lexa asked. Clarke didn't responded and started to fake snore. Lexa laughed. "Ten minutes and then we actually have to get up." Clarke nodded in her 'sleep'.

Ten minutes passed and she couldn't tell if Clarke was actually asleep or not. She sat up, taking Clarke with her. She picked her up and Clarke grumbled. She kissed Clarke's head and put her on the ground. Clarke yawned in her neck and wrapped her arms around her, tighter.

"Enjoy your ten minute power nap?" Lexa asked. Clarke nodded, picking her head up. Clarke let go of her and stretched.

"I don't even remember falling asleep." Clarke said, fixing her hair. Lexa laughed. "Let's get ready now. I have to spar with Aden now."

They started to get dressed. Lexa help Clarke buckle the leather chest piece. She pulled it until Clarke said it was tight enough. She buckled it in the back and then went back to getting herself ready. Once they had their leather armour on, they started to braid their hair. Since Lexa didn't take her braids out yesterday, Clarke only had to do some braids and then brush the rest of it. Lexa's hair was done within a few minutes and then it was time for Clarke's. Lexa just did a few simple braids in her hair which took no more than fifteen minutes. She kissed Clarke's cheek and then got up off the bed. Clarke got up and kissed her.

"Ready Commander?" Clarke asked, taking her hand.


They two of them walked out of the room and saw Aden and Nova. They both were in similar gear. Nova and Aden were talking. "Nova says I have to tell you not to kill her, Lexa." Aden said. "And Clarke looks way to happy about this."

"It gets boring over time, beating up Lexa." Clarke said. Lexa hit her arm as Aden laughed. "Let's go though."

"I'm gonna use a rain check." Nova said, as Aden got up. "I have to go do something that just popped up." Nova looked at her wrist that had no watch on it as she got up from the couch. "Look at the time, that thing is happening right now."

"Nope." Aden said, putting his arms around her. "Let's go." They walked out of the house and went to the training grounds. They went to two medium sized arenas that were next to each other. There was only a few arenas being used at the time. Most training classes happened in the mornings and at night.

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