Chapter 7

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Lexa POV

The woman looked at her sword, disgusted, before putting it away. She reached into the boat and pulled out a fur shoulder pad. She put it on and moved her hair our from undernearth it. The woman had dirty blonde hair, tightly braided on her left side with her right side shaved. The top layer of her hair was in a braid with the rest of it down. Her eyes were a dark brown, almost black with full eyebrows that were a brown-ish color. She had tattoos on her neck and on her arms. She had a scar on her cheek and on her bottom lip going on her chin.

"You would have lost the bet." Octavia whispered to Clarke. Clarke glarred at Octavia.

The woman started to walk over to them and the two men walked at a distance. The other man stayed at the boat. One of the men had black short hair and dark skin and then the other man had ear-length red-ish brown hair that was in braids, he was very pale as well.

The woman seemed to be some type of leader. She walked up to them and looked between the four of them. "I guess we were both in for a treat today." The woman said. Lexa looked at Clarke.

"She speaks english." Lexa said, in trig, looking at her friends.

"No shit." Raven said.

"It's an act dumby." Octavia said.

"Fun, I'm good that this stuff." Raven said, standing up straight.

"They don't speak English." The man in braids said.

"I didn't noticed, brother." The woman snapped, looking at the man. "Sigrid, go inform the ship." The man with short hair nodded and walked back to the boat. The man talked to the other man in the boat and then got in the boat. The boat started back to the ship.

"I'm guessing that they are siblings." Raven said.

"Me too." Clarke said.

  "Hey!" Bellamy yelled from behind them.

"Shut the fuck up before I kill you!" Octavia yelled, turning around.

"Wh-" Octavia cut Bellamy off.

"Shut up!" Bellamy jogged over to them and saw the woman and the man. "Speak in trig. They don't know we speak english and if they do know now, I will strangle you." Bellamy nodded.

"Sorry." Bellamy said. "I'll go back to the rover and tell Echo." Bellamy started to walk back towards the hill of sand. Octavia rolled her eyes.

"Where is he going?" The woman asked. No one responsed. "Go follow him." The man walked towards Octavia. Octavia pulled out a knife, putting it to his throat. The man's eye widened in surprise.

"We can do that later." The man said, as Octavia starred into the man's eyes.

"What a warrior you are." The woman said to the man.

"Put it away." Clarke took Octavia. Octavia put the knife away and pushed the man back.

"So big and scary." The man said, walking back over to the woman.

"Shut up." The woman looked annoyed.

Octavia turned to Lexa and Clarke. "What do you want to do?" Octavia asked. "We can't just sit here all day and watch them."

"Raven go to the rover and tell Aden to send a scouting team out. Make a blockade where the sand meets the grass but send some to watch them." Lexa said.

"That is a good idea." Clarke said.

"The one that can't walk has to walk." Raven said, walking away. "I love it here."

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