Chapter 32

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Clarke POV

"The condition is that Clarke will become my wife." Jax announced. Clarke's heart dropped just at those words. She did a double take and looked at Jax in disbelief. Protests started to come from almost everyone in the room. Raven looked like she wanted to faint, Abby and Lexa were talking very loudly about how this won't happen. Fiona was being held back by Octavia who looked equally pissed.

"There is no way in hell that Clarke will marry you." Abby said. "You don't have my blessing."

"I don't need your blessing." Jax snapped "All I need is for Clarke to say yes."

"Well, I don't." Clarke said, firmly. "Marriage is not an option."

"Well, aren't you single?" The King asked.

"My relationships are none of your concern." Clarke crossed her arms.

"We don't take the deal." Lexa said, very aggressively.

"That's our only offer." Jax said.

"Then you don't have a deal and you'll go back home and slowly die." Abby said, upset. Clarke put a hand on Abby's shoulder.

"Then if you don't take the deal, we will declare war." The King said.

"So be it." Lexa said, her voice low.

"If you do change your mind, Clarke, come to the ship, you can take marriage or death. You'll have until midnight tomorrow, otherwise, you'll have your war."

"I suggest you leave before things get out of our control." Lexa said, looking at Octavia who was reaching for her knife. The King and Jax got up and hurried out. Octavia walked away from Fiona and went over to Raven and said something to her.

"Everyone is dismissed but Clarke." Lexa said, rubbing her face. Everyone got up and no one said a word. Abby walked over to her and wrapped her in a hug. They pulled away after a second and Abby kissed Clarke's forehead and walked out of the room with everyone else.

Clarke waited for the door to shut before talking. "Lexa-"

"Don't even say it." Lexa said, putting her hands on the table and leaning on it. "It's not an option and it will never be an option so don't even think about it."

"One instead of hundreds, Lexa." Clarke said. "You should know this more than anyone." Lexa had a death grip on the table. "We don't need war, we don't have the man power to do that."

"I'm not letting you sacrifice yourself because some pompous Prince wants to marry you!" Lexa turned to look at her. "So what they out number us? We have more knowledge and skill than they do! It's on our ground, we have the upper hand no matter what!"

"They think we have found a forever peace!" Clarke said, not wanting this to turn into an argument but it was kind of too late for that. "Everything is perfect for them, that's what they think!"

"Clarke! Jax doesn't give a shit about you! All he sees is a beautiful woman and wants to have his way with her! What do you think made Aden attack Jax?"

"Lexa, I don't want to argue with you about this." Clarke said, softly. Lexa let out a deep breath as Clarke cupped her face. Lexa leaned into her touch. "Look, why don't we figure something out, something else. Or atleast we try to come up with another way." Lexa nodded.

"I'm sorry." Lexa said, quietly. Clarke pulled Lexa into a hug and kissed her head. She rubbed Lexa's back as Lexa held onto her tightly.

"It's okay." Clarke whispered. "We are okay." Lexa nodded and they pulled away. She kissed her gently. She leaned her forehead against Lexa's. "Let's go home. It's probably around five or so, I can make dinner and then we can figure this out, okay?"

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