Chapter 41

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Lexa POV

She woke up in the morning to Clarke kissing her neck, repeatedly. She mumbled and pulled her closer. Pain shot through her shoulder. She groaned in pain, squeezing her eyes shut even tighter. She felt her lips leave her neck and she whined.

"Are you awake?" Clarke asked, quietly. Lexa nodded, sleepily. "Well, I would love to continue kissing your neck but my mom just walked in." She grabbed the blanket that was covering them and pulled it over their heads. "Such a problem solver. But now it looks like we are having sex." She quickly pulled the blanket down and Clarke laughed.

"Shh, it's sleeping time." Lexa said in a sleepily voice.

"It's actually checking your stitches time." Abby said, making Clarke and Lexa jump. She turned her head and saw Abby sitting in a chair next to her. "Too be honest, if you weren't as health as you were, we would have much bigger problems with the poision." Abby put on some gloves.

"Also where is my shirt?" Lexa asked.

"We had to rip it." Abby said, looking at her wound.

"Oh I think that was one of Clarke's shirts." She added. Clarke hit her stomach, playfully. "It was a black shirt, I'll get you another one if you want."

"It's fine." Clarke kissed her cheek. "How's it looking?"

"Pretty good." Abby said. "Any aches or pains Lexa?"

"Last night, my upper body did." She said, as Abby started to clean the wound. "But as of now, I feel fine other than my shoulder." She nodded.

"Sometimes that can be a sign of infection. I was expecting you to have some aches because someone placed you on the sugery table roughly." Abby looked at Clarke.

"I was paincking alright!" Clarke protested. "She went limp and I thought she died."

"Lexa carried you like a baby when you fell asleep at my house and you dropped her on the table." Abby said. Lexa laughed as Clarke grumbled.

"Those were two very different situations." Clarke said. "Look you have a freckle smiley face." Clarke pointed to a patch of freckles below her chest wrap. "Those are the eyes." She pointed to two freckles next to each other. "That's the mouth." Clarke pointed to four freckles under the 'eyes' forming a curve.

"Love that I know Lexa has a freckle smiley face under her boob." Abby said, grabbing a bandage. Clarke laughed softly. Abby put the bandage on and carefully rubbed it on. "You can leave whenever Lexa."

"You want me to get you a shirt?" Clarke asked her.

"Please." Clarke got up out of bed. She kissed her and then walked out of medical.

"Just saying, you are never allowed to die." Abby told her. "Got that?" Lexa nodded. "How is Clarke? She seems fine but she could just be making everyone think that."

"When she first got back, it was just a rollercoaster for her I think but now, she's doing well. I mean she's stressed because of the war but other than that she's fine." Lexa told Abby.

"Thank you. You know she worries me sick all the time." Abby said. "You sleep okay?" Lexa nodded. "I don't know how you two were comfortable. Two grown women in a twin bed."

"Clarke sleeps basically on top of me so I have a pretty good amount of room." Lexa said. Abby laughed softly.

Clarke came back with a black shirt. She sat down on the bed and helped her put it on. She put her right arm in first and then Clarke helped her pull it over her body. Lexa got out of bed and then Abby walked over. Lexa gave Abby a one armed hug and Clarke also hugged her.

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