Chapter 14

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Lexa POV

They were packing up, ready to leave the cabin. It was around noon. The spent the morning, messing around and doing whatever they were doing. They ate the rest of the food for lunch so they didn't have to carry it back. They packed up their clothes and whatever else they brought from their room. Both of them were slightly sad and disappointed that it was over so quick but they knew they needed to go back to the Eden village.

They doubled checked that they had everything and everything was off before they walked out. They didn't need the cabin burnning down because they left the fireplace going. Everything was good and they walked out of the cabin. Lexa locked it up so no animals would push the door open and move in. Clarke took her hand and kissed her cheek.

"Ready?" Clarke asked.

"No." Lexa sighed. "But yeah."

"We will come back soon. We won't do a six month break this time." They started to walk into the woods. Lexa nodded, smiling softly.

Their walk was shorter than she remembered but it always felt like that. She was kind of worried to go back and see what was happening with the rumors. The talk with Aeolus in her sleep, concerned her, not that she didn't trust Aden to handle things if they got to crazy and out of hand.

They got back to the Eden village and went into their house first. The house was empty so Madi was running around with her friends and causing trouble most likey. Aden was probably doing Commander things or in his house with Nova. They went to their room and unpacked quickly their bags.

"I should go find Aden and so we can figure out what we are doing." Lexa said, putting her clothes away. Clarke nodded. "You okay, niron?"

"Yep." Clarke put her arms around her waist. "I'm just thinking about our very important speech." Clarke said. Lexa kissed her, wrapping her arms around her. "I'll finish unpacking so you can go find Aden."

"Okay." Lexa nodded and kissed her. "I love you." Lexa let go of Clarke and walked out of their room.

"I love you more!" Clarke called.

"I love you more!" Lexa called, opening the front door.

"I'm pretty sure I do!"

"Nope, I do!" Lexa walked out of the house and shut the door before Clarke could responded. She laughed softly at their banter. She went into the main part of the village and looked around for the blond headed boy. She saw Raven and made her way over to her.

"Hey Raven." Lexa said, catching up to her. Raven turned around to look at her.

"Hey Commander. Back so soon?" Raven smiled. "I'm guessing you are looking for Aden for updates?" Lexa nodded. "I think he is at the training grounds with Nova. You and Clarkie have fun?"

"Yep." Lexa said, smiling. "We had the time of our lives."

"Nothing happened to exciting in my opinion." Raven said. "And Madi was good. She only got dragged away by a guard once."

"That's better than I thought." Lexa laughed. "I'll see you around Raven. I got to go talk to Aden."

"Adios." Raven said as Lexa walked away.

As Lexa walked to the training grounds, she heard people talking about the ship. She sighed knowing this wasn't blowing over. She saw the training grounds and picked up her pace, looking around.

She saw Aden and Nova training in one of the smaller areas. She made her way over and watched, waiting for them to finish with that round. Just from a minute of watching she saw that Aden keep his right side open slightly. Not enough that it could be taken advantage of but if he missed a hit, Nova would have an opening.

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