Chapter 23

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Lexa POV

Lexa woke up to whispering near her. Clarke was pressed against her back and had her arms around her waist, her head was burried in her neck. She felt her soft breath against the back of her neck.

She kept her eyes closed but listened to the voices whispering. It sounded like Raven and Fiona. They were arguing over something.

"Told you Lexa was the little spoon or as she says, front spoon." Raven whispered. "Lexa may look like a badass but she is a marshmallow with Clarke. She used to blush when Clarke kissed her check when they first started to date."

"And you liked Octavia for like ten years but never did anything about it." Lexa said.

"She got you there." Fiona said, laughing softly.

"I was in space for six of them!" Raven protested. "And she was in a bunker, being the Queen of Blood. Her words, not mine." Clarke grumbled and pulled her closer, her hand going up the bottom of her shirt. "Shit, Clarke is getting freaky in her sleep."

"Go away." Lexa flipped off Raven.

"The King wants to talk to someone and I don't think I should be the one going." Raven said, crossing her arms.

"Send Octavia. I trust her not to start a war." Lexa mumbled.

"Can I go?"

"I don't care, just don't make anyone more jokes about fucking someones mom."

"Yes!" Raven said and then ran off. She felt Clarke's breathing change on her neck.

"I know you are awake." Lexa said to Clarke. Clarke shushed her. She felt Clarke's hand move to her stomach and raked her nails down her abs. "Fiona is like five feet away and I don't think she wants to see that." Clarke took her hand out of her shirt and Lexa sat up on her elbows. "We have to get up." Lexa threw the covers off and got out of bed ignoring Clarke's complaints. Clarke groaned.

Clarke got up after a while and they got dressed. They put their usual clothes on, black pants, shirt, leather armour, all that stuff. They walked back to the room they slept in after they got changed. Breakfast was served to them, it was a type of soup, it smelled wonderful.

There were four women that weren't making food. Raven and Octavia were still talking to the king so it was just Clarke, Lexa, Fiona and the four women. Their names were Alice, Kris, Kelly and Zoey. They were eating and talking.

"Eden sounds like heaven." Alice said. "I wish Bellmare was like that. There are too many rules that are shitty. All the men are dick heads and the women have to marry them for children."

"Your guards were weirdly nice to me." Fiona said.

"First time I've heard that. Madi always complains how they are so strict and mean." Lexa said, drinking that broth of the soup.

"Madi?" Kelly asked. Lexa looked at Clarke, who shrugged.

"Our daughter." Lexa said.

"You two are full of surprises." Zoey said. They both laughed softly.

"The guards are scared of their chief so they will do everything perfectly." Clarke said. "They do one order wrong and it is not fun, it's out of love though."

She heard footsteps walking towards her so she looked behind her. Raven and Octavia were walking towards them. "Never again." Raven said. "He just wanted to have fucking breakfast with us."

"Sucks to suck." Clarke said. "Did he have anything important to say?"

"That we are about ten minutes away from Bellmare." Octavia said. "So get ready to get off this thing."

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