Chapter 12

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Lexa POV

    Clarke and Lexa woke up the next morning and got up. It was around nine in the morning, it was a little later than they hoped they would wake up at. Lexa was undressing when she felt arms wrap around her bare waist. Clarke kissed her shoulder, going up to her neck, running her tongue over her pulse point and bring her hands to her hips. She closed her eyes and tilted her head to the side so Clarke had more room to work, but suddenly, Clarke's arms left her waist and so did her lips from her neck. Lexa groaned in disappointment. Clarke just laughed before disappearing into the bathroom.  Lexa grabbed a shirt and put it on.

She finished getting dressed when Clarke came out of the bathroom. To be honest, both of them needed this, going away, not having to worry about anything. They haven't been to the cabin in like over eight months. They went for the second time a little after they had their wedding and this would be the third time they have gone there. They finished getting ready and walked out of their bedroom.

Both Madi and Aden were up, they were playing a game in the living room on the coffee table. Lexa had no idea what it was but it was something with dice and a piece of paper. Neither of them noticed as Clarke and Lexa walked into the kitchen.

"Good morning." Lexa said, walking over to a counter. She put her back to it, her hands on either side of her and boosted herself up onto the counter.

"I thought you two left already." Aden said. "I thought you were gonna leave at sunrise?"

"It's only a two or so mile walk." Clarke said, making breakfast for herself. "We will get there way before noon if we leave now."

"That's true." Aden said. Madi rolled the dice. "You cheater!" Aden protested. "How do you get all the numbers you need!" Madi laughed.

"I win." Madi said, being cocky. Madi moved the dice into a pile.

"No, I want a rematch." Aden said.

"I'm convinced he's you in a different body sometimes." Clarke said, walking up to her. "The 'I let you win', 'rematch', totally useless with girls."

"I heard that!" Aden said, from the living room. "And I am not useless, I have a girlfriend." Madi started to reset the game.

"And who was convinced that she didn't like you back?" Lexa said.

"You were convinced Clarke didn't like you back." Aden pointed out. Clarke laughed as Lexa's words got jumbled up.

"This isn't about me." Lexa said, crossing her arms. "And I wasn't convinced."

"Clarke, you should have seen her. She was a catastrophic mess before coming into your room to thank you for coming to the Roan fight." Aden said. "Took her a good two hours to get ready, put her favorite nightgown on, did her hair and then it took another hour to get her to actually go into your room." Clarke looked at her, laughing.

"I was not a catastrophic mess. I was just uh, you know, I wanted to take my time getting ready." Lexa said, blushing. "You say anything else about me in Polis, I will bring back the training with Indra." Aden's eyes widened and quickly went back to the game Madi and him were playing. Lexa got off the counter and Clarke wrapped her arms around her

"You are such a dork." Clarke said, kissing Lexa. Lexa hid her face in Clarke's neck. "A very very cute dork." She added. Lexa smiled against her neck but was still blushing. "Let's eat so we can start our walk." Clarke kissed Lexa's cheek and then Lexa pulled away.

Lexa made herself a small breakfast since she was never really that hungry in the morning. When she finished eating, she grabbed both of their bags and brought it out. She opened the second biggest pocket and packed some food. They would probably go hunting or something the first night and then eat the left overs for lunch and dinner if they get lucky enough that they catch a big animal. They didn't really have that many 'big' animals, there main food source was deer, rabbit, some type of a bobcat, fish. They are waiting for the other animals to repopulate before hunting them.

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