Chapter 47

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Lexa POV

The sun rose and people started to wake. It was only about an hour past dawn so they were on track. Octavia and Crystal must have started to get everyone to pack up because most were ready to leave by now. The fires were out, they either burned out or someone put them out. Either way, the forest wasn't on fire so that's a good thing, no that's an amazing thing.

Lexa looked down at Clarke. She was wrapped up in the blanket, like a burrito. So that's where all of her blanket went and why she was freezing. She gently woke Clarke up, ignoring the protests and threats if she didn't let her sleep for a little longer. She grabbed the blanket and unrolled her, causing Clarke to curl up in a shriving ball.

Sooner or later, Clarke got up and they started to pack the blanket and everything else they had out, which wasn't too much but was a pain to try to get back into the bag. Their bags were about to burst open. Raven sure did pack a lot of stuff, which she was thankful for. Hopefully, Raven was preparing for the arrival of everyone, like she told her too, and not making some weird object.

Once everything was packed and everyone was ready to go. Lexa quickly walked around to see if there was any trash or any belongings left behind, which there wasn't any from what she could tell. She met back up with Clarke and the group.

Clarke smiled at her. "Ready?" Clarke asked her. She nodded and kissed her cheek. Lexa took her hand and interlocked their finger. With that, they lead the group towards the village. Octavia was roaming around, making sure everyone was okay. The Queen was speaking with a few people towards the middle.

Clarke still looked half asleep. "You okay?" Lexa asked, rubbing the back of Clarke's hand with her thumb.

She nodded. "I'm just tired. And cold, very, very cold." Lexa laughed softly.

She put her hand on the bag that was on Clarke's back. "You want a blanket to wrap around you?"

"No, it's under everything. It'll be a pain in the ass to get out." Clarke gave her a soft smile.

After what seemed like years of boring old walking, she heard some aggressive talking agmoust the group. Clarke and her sighed. Lexa offered to go deal with it and kissed her cheek before moving into the crowd. She shuffled through the people, trying to find the source of the sound.

A man and a woman were arguing. A young child started to cry. Maybe she should have let Clarke do this. She saw a little bit of a gap between the people and saw what was happening.

"It's not fucking fair!" The man yelled, pointing in the woman's face. The woman had a blanket over her shoulder and was holding a baby wrapped in a blanket. "I don't give a shit, you have two blankets and I have none!" The man went to yank the blanket of the woman but Lexa stepped in, pushing the man back.

"Is there a problem?" Lexa asked him. He stumbled but caught himself.

"Yes, yes there is." The man looked at her. "She is taking more blankets than she needs. She needs to spread them out." He pointed at the baby in her arms. Lexa smacked his arm down.

"They are mine!" The baby was still crying but more quietly now. "I brought them from the ship, they are from my home at Bellmare." The man went to take the blanket again but she grabbed his wrist.

She was over this. This was stuipd and she was not gonna put up with him. "You aren't gonna have a hand in a second." She dropped his hand. "Walk away before things happen that don't need to happen."

"I'm your superior." He told the woman.

"Sorry to break it to you but children come first." Lexa told him. "And that child will not be able to survive without the caretaker. You have a heavy jacket on, you'll be fine." The man wanted to say something but decided against it. He mumbled something and walked away.

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