Chapter 27

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Clarke POV

It was the next morning. She woke up to Lexa asleep on top of her. Lexa was looking out the window, mindlessly tracing her finger over her waist. She yawned and blinked the sleep away from her eyes. Lexa looked up and their eyes met.

"Good morning." Lexa said, moving up to kiss her. "Sorry, I have morning breath." She smiled and kissed Lexa again.

"Good morning. What time is it?" Clarke asked, stretching.

"Almost noon." Lexa said. Clarke almost shot up out of bed in surprise. "Yeah you were tired." Clarke rubbed her face. "What time do we have to be at the training thingy?"

"I don't know. Noon? Afternoon?" Lexa moved into a plank position over top of her. "Why, what do you have in mind?"

"A few things, if you really must know." Lexa leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to her lips.

"And do you mind sharing some of those ideas with me?"

"I think-" Lexa was cut off by the door opening.

"Wake up!" Raven yelled, walking in. Octavia was behind her and then Fiona. "Clarke, your boobies are falling out." Fiona put a hand over her eyes.

"Everytime!" Fiona said. "I thought it was gonna be safe."

"No, since they don't have a child here, they are taking up all the chances to not have clothes but I've walked in on them so many times in Polis that it doesn't matter anymore. Her guards just stopped caring." Lexa pulled the blankets up.

"You threatened to blow them into pieces and then use their bodies for science if they didn't let you in." Clarke said. "I would let you in too if you said that to me."

"Can we help you?" Lexa asked, still hovering over Clarke in a plank.

"Are you a plank?" Octavia said.

"Yes I am." Lexa said. "What can we help you with?"

"We have to go to the training ground." Fiona said, peeking through her fingers. She took her hand down. Lexa lowered herself down on top of Clarke. "Let's go so they can get dressed."

"Be quick. No funny business you two because you two were about to have some funny business." Raven said, walking out.

"Ten minutes." Lexa said. "If not, you can come back in."

"Alrighty." Raven said and then the three of them walked out.

Clarke groaned and pulled Lexa closer. "We need to get up and I want to kick some ass." Lexa said, kissing her cheek. She sighed and let go of her. Lexa rolled off of her, getting out of bed. She started to take off the little clothes she had on, off. Clarke got up out of bed and started to get ready.

"Everytime." Clarke said, putting on a shirt. "Raven picks the worst timing everytime." Lexa laughed softly and gave her a kiss. "What are you bring?"

"Two fighting knives." Lexa said. "That's about it. I didn't bring a sword or anything." Clarke nodded and then grabbed two of her own knives, putting them in her belt. Lexa was sitting on the bed trying to do her warpaint without a mirror. She smiled and sat down on the bed in front of her. She dipped her fingers in the paint and Lexa took her hands away as Clarke started to take over.

Once Lexa's warpaint was done, Lexa did Clarke's warpaint. They made sure they had everything they needed before they left the room. They walked out of the room and everyone was sitting at the table. Octavia looked up and her face lit up.

"Here." Lexa said and then threw the warpaint container at Octavia. She caught it and then ran to the bathroom.

"That's like catnip for you three." Raven said. "I should buy a ton of it and make you guys fight for it."

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