Chapter 31

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Clarke POV

They called the meeting and guards went to get Fiona, Jax and King Leon. They were waiting in the meeting room with Aden. Aden was spinning in his chair, staring at the ceiling and kept blowing his hair out of his face.

"My hair grows so fast!" Aden complained. "I got like two inches off not that long ago and it's already back."

"Sit next to me and I'll braid it." Clarke said, patting the chair next to her. Aden got up and sat down next to her. Clarke started to just do a simply braid starting from the front of his head to the back. "Yeah, what the hell, why do you have so much hair." Aden shrugged.

The door opened and Fiona stepped in. She looked at them. "Jax is gonna be pissed you stole his hair style." Fiona said, sitting down in a chair. Aden looked confused. "Your people are much nicer already, I almost got kidnapped by a bunch of five year olds, luckily your guards saved me."

"The kids are a bigger threat than anyone here." Clarke said, finishing Aden's braid. "I've been almost killed by kids more times than anyone else." She sat back in her chair. The door opened again.

"Raven, I don't care or want to know what Octavia and you do in your free time." Abby said, walking in with Raven and Octavia.

"You asked!" Raven protested. "You said what did you do while you weren't doing stuff in Bellmare so I said-"

"And this conversation is done." Clarke cut in.

"As you wish, Hedatu Clarke Griffin kom Skaikru, the Great Wanheda, the wife of Heda Alexandria Griffin kom Trikru of the Thirteen Clans." Raven said, bowing. Clarke rubbed her face as the three sat down. "So where is my two favorite people on earth?"

"I'm assuming you mean Jax and the King?" Lexa said. "They are coming."

"Also, people kept offering me food and shit in that langauge." Fiona said.

"Just say, no mochof, if you don't want it." Clarke said. "It means no thank you." Fiona nodded. The door opened and the King and Jax walked in.

"Father, this is the room Fiona tried to kill me in." Jax said, trying to start something. Fiona got up but Octavia was quick to react and grabbed her before anything happened. Fiona sat back down, not taking her eyes of Jax.

"Is Kane coming?" Lexa asked.

"No, he's spending time with one of the clans." Abby said. "He's been trying to get to know them more." Lexa nodded and started to introduce everyone to each other. Jax sat down next to Aden, and Aden was very annoyed by that.

"I already hate him." Aden mumbled.

"Clarke and I have talked about possible making a deal with the people of Bellmare. Although we have many different beliefs and thoughts on how things should be ran reguarding leaders and many other things, we are open to a offer." Lexa said, looking at the King.

"Sorry to interrupt, Lexa, but is there a reason that they need to make a deal?" Abby asked. "Not them I'm against it, I'm just wondering."

"Our land stopped growing and is now shrinking." The King said. "And it is shrinking very very fast." Abby nodded and thanked him. Clarke looked over at Aden. Jax was talking to him and he was clearly very annoyed by Jax. She turned her attetion back to the meeting.

"First of all, how would we handle leaders?" Lexa asked.

"I was thinking, that we could just have total different areas. We have land a few miles away and I can rule my own kingdom while you run yours." The King offered. Lexa nodded but she was very unsure about it.

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