Chapter 43

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Lexa POV

Morning soon came. Clarke was asleep on top of her, sleeping. She had her arms around her waist and was tracing her spine. She woke up about half an hour ago because the war was stressing her out.

"I love you." Lexa told Clarke, softly. She kissed her head and traced over Clarke's body with her fingers. Lexa loved Clarke's body, she loved her body shape. She loves the curves and how soft her skin was. Even as Clarke became stronger and her body became muscular, she kept her beautiful hourglass shape.

"I can feel you thinking." Clarke mumbled into her neck. "What are you thinking about?" Clarke yawned.

"I'm thinking about how beautiful and sexy you are." Lexa said, kissing her head. Clarke picked up her head and kissed her. "And how lucky I am, you are my wife."

"I think I'm the lucky one." Lexa moved hair out of Clarke's face. "You have a hickey on your neck." Clarke touched her neck near her pulse point.

"How?" Lexa asked, confused.. "You barely were on my neck? Not that I'm complaining."

"It's small but dark." Clarke said. "Your hair will hide it. Remember when we literally could not leave any marks on each other before Azgeda War time? Like when we first started to date and weren't out to the public."

"I know, that was awful."

After Alie was defeated, Azgeda started to rebel against the coalition. It wasn't really a war, it was more of a big riot. Azgeda started to riot in Polis and cut off their trade with the rest of the clans. They got an army together and went to the Azgeda area and had a small battle. Only a few died but then things settled back down. Everyone just started to call it the Azgeda war and it stuck.

"We should get up soon." Clarke told her. She rolled off of her and Lexa stretched out her limbs. "We have to prepare for war and stuff."

"No." Lexa said, cuddling back into Clarke.

"Well, I don't want someone from Bellmare to walk in on us naked."

Almost on cue, the ten flap opened and Fiona walked in with Raven closely behind. "My god, do you two ever wear clothes?" Fiona asked, using her hands to block them.

"Ah, I see you two rested well." Raven said.

"How was Octavia and your rest?" Clarke said, sitting up on an elbow.

"It was absolutely wonderful." Raven said, smiling. "Thank you for asking."

"Just to be clear." Lexa whispered to Clarke. "This 'resting' thing means sex?" Clarke nodded.

"And to answer your question, Fiona, we don't wear clothes." Clarke said. "Rae, can you get a shirt out of the bag?" Raven went over to their bags and grabbed two shirts.

"Hm, this shirt says, 'I love Clarke's boobs'. This one must be Lexa's." Raven said, holding up the shirt. Clarke laughed as Fiona face palmed.

"Raven, I will beat your ass. I don't care if I don't have clothes on." Lexa said, turning red. Raven tossed the shirts at them, laughing.

"You three are so immature." Fiona said.

"You sound like Titus." Clarke said, putting the shirt on. "No running in the hallways! What are you? Children?" Clarke mocked. Raven bursted out laughing along with Lexa.

"Who is Titus?" Fiona asked.

"So imagine, a grumpy old man with a stick up his ass, who hates Clarke because she makes Lexa a gay puddle." Raven said.

"He shot me, trying to kill Clarke." Lexa added. Lexa held up her shirt to show the faded scar. "And then Clarke saved me and then she tried to strangle him."

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