Chapter 20

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Lexa POV

    It was the next morning. Madi ended up staying the night at one of her friends' houses so they took up the alone time after dinner. Clarke was passed out on top of her, drooling on her chest. She was stroking her cheek with her thumb as Clarke slowly started to wake up. Clarke grumbled and squeezed her arms around her tighter. She felt an aching on her back but it was probably just the position she was sleeping in or something.

    Clarke stirred and picked up her head. Lexa wiped the drool off Clarke's chin. She rolled off of her and curled into her side. Lexa was just about to say something when she heard Madi and Aden's voice in the kitchen. Clarke and Lexa looked at each other panicked, knowing that Madi and Aden do not need to see them naked. Clarke sat up, looking at the door, trying to hear something.

    "We should get dressed or atleast covered up." Lexa said, sitting up. She got out of bed and Clarke laughed as she stood up. "What?" Lexa turned to look at her.

    "I guess my nails are a little long." Clarke said, looking at her back. She reached a hand around, feeling her back. "You have some scratch marks."

    "I was wondering why my back was achy." Lexa said and then stuck her tongue out at her. "Is it bad?" Lexa couldn't really feel anything as she ran her hand all over

    "It's mainly on your shoulders." Clarke got out of bed and walked over to her. She touched her back and traced some of the scratches. "This one is pretty bad." Clarke touched a red scratch that stretched from the top of her shoulder to the middle of her back.

    "It's like you were trying to kill me." Lexa said. "Let me see your nails." Clarke held her hands out, palms down. Her nails were pretty long on her right hand since she didn't really use that for fighting or anything really. "Yeah, that was probably the cause of it."

    "No, that was one hundred percent the cause of it." Lexa laughed. "I'll be back, I'll cut these." Clarke kissed her and then walked off towards the bathroom. She laughed softly and then started to get dressed. She put some armour on figuring they would go see Fiona, Jax and them. Clarke came back out and did the same, getting dressed and putting some leather on to protect herself.

    Once they were ready, they walked out of the room and saw Aden and Madi eating breakfast. Aden looked up from his food. "You two are up late." Aden said. "I thought you left already."

    "We are going after we ate, I think." Lexa said, looking at Clarke.

    "Yeah." Clarke said, walking over to the kitchen. "You two gonna be okay for the day alone?"

    "Yeah. Madi is gonna go cause trouble but that is an everyday thing now." Aden said. Madi hit his arm, glaring at him. "You know it is true so don't even pretend it doesn't happen."

    "At least I'm not sucked into la la land with my girlfriend." Madi said. Lexa laughed softly as Aden looked offended.

    "I'm not in la la land ever!" He protested. "Tell her to leave me alone. She has been on my ass all day because she saw me kiss Nova."

    "It was a little more than kissing." Madi mumbled.

    "Alright. Let's settle a little bit." Clarke said, as Lexa grabbed a piece of fruit. "We don't need a fight breaking out at nine in the morning and I don't care who started it." Madi stuck her tongue out at Aden.

    "Keep your tongue in your mouth." Aden told her.

    "You had yours in Nova's."

    "And this is where the conversation ends!" Lexa said, waving her hands in the air. "I don't need to know about that."

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