Chapter 42

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Lexa POV

Soon, two or so hours passed. They dozed in and out of sleep. Clarke was on top of her with her legs wrapped around her waist. Her head was on her shoulder, tracing Lexa's arm tattoo. Her head was turned away from Clarke, so Clarke's head had some room.

"You have sexy collarbones." Clarke said, moving her hand to trace her collarbones. She laughed softly. She sighed out a long breath as she turned her head to look at Clarke while putting her arm around her. Clarke leaned forward and pressed her lips to her's.

"I love you." Lexa said, stroking Clarke's hair.

"I love you too." Clarke put her arms around her body.

The tent flap opened and Raven walked in with Octavia. "It's cold, how are you two not freezing." Raven said, as Lexa pulled the blanket up. "Also, aren't you worried someone else would come in?"

"No because other people know how to knock or accounce themselves." Lexa said. Clarke got off of her and laid next to her.

"Get dressed, we are eating unless you two already ate each other." Raven said.

"We didn't do anything." Clarke said, holding the blanket to her chest as she grabbed her shirt. "We just laid around and slept."

"Give us like five or ten minutes." Lexa said.

"She'll be counting." Octavia said, dragging Raven out. Once they were out, the two of them got out of bed and got dressed. They gave premission to Octavia and Raven to come back in.

Guards brought food in for them and they started to eat. "So did we miss anything exciting?" Raven asked.

"No. It was boring here." Lexa said. "Anything happen at Eden's Village?"

"Nothing out of the normal." Octavia said. "Madi is staying at Taylor's in case you were wondering." Lexa and Clarke looked at each other. "The Clexa family needs to step up their game with their confidence. How long did it take for Aden to ask Nova out?"

"Like five months." Lexa said and then took a bite of bread.

"How long did it take you to ask Clarke out?" Raven asked.

"How long did it take for you to ask Octavia out." Lexa countered. Clarke laughed.

"She got you there." Octavia told her, picking at her food. "It runs in the Griffin family, I guess."

"Whatever." Raven mumbled, putting food into her mouth. "So are we sticking to the plan?" Lexa nodded, her mouth full of food. "I made some toys."

"Don't explode the land." Clarke said.

"I did bring some explosives but I made some other stuff." Raven rubbed her hands together. "I made a thing that shoots poision darts. The poision makes them go all funky, like they turn into a rag doll."

"Oh, that's uh nice." Clarke said.

"I brought other things, but those are surprises." Octavia didn't look too excited. "So do we know when they are going to attack?"

"My guess is tomorrow." Lexa said, taking a sip of water. "Scouts were yesterday. They plan today. They will attack tomorrow."

"Sounds like a plan." Raven said.

"Oh! Fiona is walking here with some more guards." Octavia said. "Totally forgot to say that."

"Okay, that's good." Lexa said. "Shit, we need to talk about the aftermath." She rubbed her face. "Like the people who want to join us after this war."

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