Chapter 9

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Clarke POV

Clarke woke up the following morning. She felt around the bed for Lexa with her eyes closed but all she found was pillows and blankets. She opened her eyes, slightly worried. She looked around and saw Lexa on the couch in the corner in the room. She seemed to be sleeping. Clarke got out of bed and stretched and yawned before she walked over to Lexa.

She bent down and was just about to wake her when she saw how pale she was. All the color was out of her face and she had a damp forehead from sweat. Clarke reached out and gently touched her forehead. Lexa was burning up. She scanned the rest of Lexa's body and she was shaking. Her breathing was uneven and choppy

"Lex." Clarke said, nervously. Clarke rubbed Lexa's arm, trying to wake her. "Lexa." Clarke said, louder. Lexa slowly opened her eyes and her eyes were slightly bloodshot. "Remember what you said last night? Well, we are going to see my mom because you are worse." Lexa didn't responsed but all she did was nod. Clarke helped Lexa up and picked her up. She carried Lexa out of their room. She saw Nova and Aden in the kitchen. Aden turned and looked at them. His face dropped. "Can one of you two check on O and Rae? Lexa's sick and Raven Octavia were with us the whole day and if you get the chance, Bellamy and Murphy too."

"Yeah, I'll go look." Nova said. Nova kissed Aden and then jogged out of the house.

"Do you know what she has?" Aden asked.

"No, I guess it is the flu but it started too quickly. She felt off last night but she thought she was just tired and then this morning I found her on the couch. I'm gonna take her to see my mom." Clarke said as Lexa pressed her head against her chest. Aden nodded and then Clarke walked out of the house. "What do you feel like?"

"Shit." Lexa mumbled with her eyes closed.

"When did you move to the couch?"

Lexa mumbled something but Clarke only caught the word 'night' so Lexa probably moved to the couch before sunrise. Lexa was still shaking and her breathing was uneven. "Lex, try to match my breathing." Clarke said, and then leaned down and kissed Lexa's forehead. She felt Lexa's breathing change to match her own. It was a little more even now but still choppy.

Clarke took the long way to medical to avoid people from seeing Lexa, it would only cause alarm. She looped around the village and entered the back area of the building. She walked into the storage room and then left that, going into a small hallway. The next door was white and had a label on it that read 'medical'. She pushed the door open with her hip and walked in.

It was empty besides one person who was getting treated by Abby. It was an older man who was getting a wound cleaned. Abby stepped back and the man got up and walked out. Clarke made her way over and Abby turned.

"What happened?" Abby asked, worried.

"She's really sick, I don't know but last night she felt off and I woke up this morning to her on the couch and she was just, I don't know." Clarke rambled.

"Take her behind the curtain." Abby said, putting a mask on. Clarke walked through a big curtain that was spilting the room in half. A man was on a bed, he was pale and was asleep. Clarke placed Lexa on an empty bed. Abby walked in and handed her a mask as well. "Put this on." Clarke gave Abby a weird look but took it. "Something is going around. She is the third person that came in. The other one is in the bed across from her."

"Three? There are only two here?" Clarke looked at the man. Abby didn't say anything. "Mom?"

"His wife came in with him and she didn't make it." Abby said, putting an IV into Lexa's hand. Clarke's stomach dropped. "Who did Lexa come in contact with?" Clarke didn't hear Abby. "Clarke? Who did she come in contact with?" Abby repeated and Clarke was pulled out from her trans.

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