Chapter 39

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Lexa POV

She felt hard and rough ground under her. She opened her eyes and buildings all around her. This was Polis before the wave and everything. Standing up, she looked around. It was completely empty, not a single soul was within the whole place. The Polis tower was behind her and out of curisoty, she walked towards it.

She ran her fingers across the walls and patterns. She missed this place, no doubt. She got to the main big door and pushed it open. The inside was just like she rememebered it. It even smelled the same. The many, many candles lined the walls.

She stepped in and as soon as she did, a squeaking noise filled the room. Suddenly a ton of bats came out of the hallway and started to swarm at her. They flew right at her face and filled her vision.

She gasped for air and shot up out of bed. She was back in the bedroom. She rubbed her face as Clarke quickly came out of the bathroom and got to her side. "You okay?" Clarke cupped her face.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm good. It's just Cassia decided to be a bitch this morning." Lexa took Clarke's hands off her face and brought them to her lips. "You were very tired last night." Clarke laughed softly. "Did I do a good job cleaning your wounds?"
"Yes you did." Clarke kissed her softly. "Did I fall asleep at my mom's?" Lexa nodded. "Of course." She laughed softly. "How'd you sleep?"

"Pretty good." Lexa said, interlocking their fingers. "How about you?"

"Like a rock." Clarke said.

"Figured." They both laughed. Clarke leaned her head against Lexa's. "I love you." She brought their hands back to her lips and kissed her knuckles.

The door bursted open. "First of all, gross." Fiona said, quickly walking in. "Second of all, scouts are here." They both shot out of bed.

"So Cassia wasn't being a bitch." Lexa said, taking off her shirt.

"I'll go tell Indra since I'm ready." Clarke kissed Lexa's cheek. Lexa looked at Fiona who was blocking her with her hand. "Let's go before you get flashed." Clarke told Fiona. "Go to the war room after you are done." She nodded as she undid her pants. Clarke and Fiona left the room leaving her alone.

She quickly undressed and got into leather and steel armor. She washed her face and did her warpaint. Her Commander head piece was in a drawer in a wooden box. She got that out and put it between her eyebrows.

She jogged to the war room, which was basically just a big metal room, and saw Clarke, Octavia, Indra, Fiona, and warriors. One the table was the war plans and little green army figures on the plans. Raven found the army figures in a bunker a while ago. She took her spot next to Clarke.

"Alright. I think most of us already know the main idea of the war plan but we aren't there yet." Lexa said. "They are here earlier than we thought." She moved some of the green army figures out of the way. "But right now, we are going to set traps and stalk the scouts. We are not killing unless it's life or death. If you are attacked, I want them alive and brought to me and Hedatu for questioning. But we are trying to avoid contact with them for many reasons." They all nodded, understanding. "I have talked to the Queen." A few people made a face of disapproval. "The Queen saved Hedatu's life. She is welcome in Eden just like Fiona."

Clarke took over the traps topic. She put small blocks of wood where the traps were going to be. There were hundreds of traps around. It didn't matter if they were seen puttting the traps up because they would most likey gonna end up trapping themselves trying to disable it.

"Split up into teams of five or six people." Clarke said, looking around. "Whatever traps you know how to set, set them. I think Indra has supplies for you already but you might have to look to use some supplies from the woods."

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