Chapter 17

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Lexa POV

She woke up the next morning to Clarke spooning her with an arm around her neck. She turned over to look at Clarke, moving her arm off her neck. She moved hair out of Clarke's face. Clarke was still in a deep sleep, her breathing was even and her face was relaxed. She pressed a kissed her Clarke forehead.

She laid in bed for a while but Clarke didn't wake up for a while. Her body was probably trying to recover from Monty and Harper's creation. She got out of bed, kissing Clarke's cheek before moving away from the bed. She undressed from her sleeping clothes and got into her daily clothes. She was about to walk out of the room when she heard faint laughter from the kitchen but then it stopped as someone shushed them.

She walked out of the room and saw Aden walking towards her. "Is Clarke still asleep?" Aden asked, stopping in the hallway.

"Yeah, I think Monty's new drink did a number on her." Lexa said. Aden laughed softly. "Nova sleep over?"

"Yeah." Aden said. As more quiet laughing came from the kitchen. "She is still passed out, she got pulled into shots with some people and there was no going back." Lexa looked around in the direction of the kitchen.

"There is medicine that helps with hangovers in the kitchen." Aden opened his hand and there were pills in his palm. "I see you found them."

"I figured you wouldn't mind me taking two since you have like hundreds of the pills in the closet." Aden closed his hand. Lexa laughed. "Don't scare people in the kitchen." Aden walked away, leaving Lexa confused. Lexa walked into the kitchen and saw Madi and the girl she has been hanging out with. They were messing around in the kitchen, making food.

Madi must have heard her walk in and turned around. Madi looked paniced. "Oh hey..." Madi said, looking around. The girl turned around and her face dropped. "What are you doing here?"

"Uh, I'm pretty sure I live here?" Lexa said, walking towards the closet where the medicine was stored. "Unless something changed?"

"I mean, like I thought you were still gonna be, uh, still asleep?" Madi looked at the girl.

"Clarke was trying to kill me in my sleep so that kind of woke me up." Lexa said, looking for the pills. She found the container and poured two out into her palm. She closed the container and shut the door. "So who's your friend?" Lexa walked into the kitchen to fill up a cup of water.

"Uh, this is Taylor." Madi said, looking for an escape. "Uh we are in the same grade and in the same class." Lexa filled up a cup of water. Taylor looked scared for her life.

"Okay." Lexa said, turning off the water.

"Okay?" Madi asked. "So you aren't gonna kill me?"

"Why would I?" Lexa asked.

"Because I had a friend sleep over without telling you?" Madi seemed confused.

"I don't care." Lexa shrugged. "You are allowed to have friends over. You are acting like I just caught you taking drugs that Monty makes."

"Monty makes drugs?" Madi asked.

"He used to before the six years but that is besides the point." Taylor still looked scared for her life, like Lexa was gonna throw a knife at her and kill her.

"You don't want to know the reasons or anything?" Clarke entered the area looking like a zombie, a beautiful zombie. She had her eyes barely open, trying not to bump into the walls.

"Stop questioning Madi and her friend." Clarke said, walking over. "And I'm killing Monty and Harper when I see them next. They put Death himself in that drink."

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