Chapter 16

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Madi POV

It was the next day, around noon. Madi and her friends were out and about. It was her, Ethan, his boyfriend, Kayden and Taylor. Kayden had dark skin with longer hair that was in braids. He was almost a year older than Madi and a few months older than Ethan. Taylor was her age, she had dark brown hair, almost black and green eyes. She had a soft jawline and plush lips. She was good looking to say the least.

"There is a party happening at sundown." Kayden said. "You three coming along?"

"I'll have to ask my parents." Ethan said. "They have been worried about this ship nonsense." Ethan waved his hands around. "Do you know what is happening with that stuff, Madi?" Madi shrugged.

"I just know what you know." Madi said.

"I don't know how you are not terrified of them." Taylor said. "One wrong slip up and you could be fucked."

"I was terrified of them at first, you can ask Aden but spending six years with just them and Aden, you get to see that they are just like everyone else, I guess." Madi said. "They will probably be at the party so I'll be there."

"I'll be there, my sister will probably be at it so I don't see why she won't let me go." Taylor said, looking at Madi.

"So this is like a big thing?" Ethan said. "Like Heda and Hedatu planned it?"

"I think someone else planned it." Kayden said. "I think Raven Reyes did."

"That is probably true." Madi said.

They walked to a shop and got food for lunch. They sat down at a table and started to eat. Madi sat down next to Ethan and was across from Taylor. Kayden started to talk to Taylor and Ethan turned to her.

"So, what is going on with you and Ms. Brown Hair?" Ethan asked and then took a bite of food.

"Who? Tay?" Madi asked. Ethan nodded and smiled. "What do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb, you know what I'm talking about."

"Friends and that is it." Madi told him. Ethan nodded and didn't look like he believed her. Madi stuck her tongue out at him. Ethan elbowed her in her side. "Rude." Madi elbowed him back.

"Let's not have a fight." Taylor said, teasingly.

"In my defense, she started it." Ethan said.

"I did not!" Madi protested. "He jabbed me with his elbow and it was self defense." Madi took a bite of food. She looked at Taylor, who was looking at her. Madi made eye contact with her and she looked away, slightly embarrassed.

Madi cared about Taylor a little more than she should but she would never admit it aloud. They met first when the bunker was opened, her parents didn't make it through the lottery of the name picking. The kids under the age of eighteen would be put into something like a foster home but it was one big one. There was a caretaker that would watch over them until they were of age or some family took them in. Taylor's sister, Erin turned eighteen a few months after the bunker was opened so Erin pulled her out of the home and they lived together happily ever after. Taylor went to school while Erin trained to be a warrior. Madi and her have been friends ever since they met. Madi and Ethan met through Octavia and just ran around and they met Kayden in school.

They ate their lunch and then they walked around again. They saw people setting up for the party. They were getting areas ready for fire pits and other stuff like that. "Why is the Commander speed walking towards us?" Ethan asked. Madi looked around and saw Lexa looking behind her, walking every fast.

"She's running from Clarke." Madi said. Lexa turned right into the crowd of people and then Clarke popped into view, she was dripping wet. She looked like she was gonna kill someone.

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